Chapter 9- Friends To Protect Me ☺ ♣ ♦ ♥

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"This letter to be exact." The headmaster as he slips a red envelope in his desk. We were all shocked, but only the 4 of us.

"Wh...why do you have that letter?" Louven said with fear.

"Cheryl is suppose to keep that!" Lorena said


Akina's POV:

"So you do know something about this letter." Headmaster said.

"Oh Blood Murder!" I whispered. The four of us were speechless.

"Do you have something to say for yourselves? Keeping secrets like this from us? You once told us to protect Miss Akina. But, what's this? Keeping a threat that would be dangerous for Miss Akina's safety." Headmaster said with serious eyes.

"Uhhhhh. We were planning to tell it to you, but.... but....." Ciela-chan trying to make an excuse.

"But I told them not to tell you, because I know it would bother you and I would be trouble." I made an excuse, my three cousins were shocked, I made a lie for there safety.

"Ow, well. Still you should be safe. We have nothing to do but, make you go to the Night Class. Well, I guess you know all of them already and they were all nice to you. Right?" Headmaster asked.

"Me in the Night Class?" I whispered with shock.

"Father!" Yuuki said with shock.

"You can't let Cheryl go to the Night Class, she still can't handle vampires that easily." Zero added.

"Yes! But how did she adjust with you two? She spend time with you right? Same thing will happen at the Night Class, Don't worry miss Akina. You have the same lessons with the Night Class." The Headmaster said.

"Amia are you alright?" Ciela-chan asked.

"Uhhh.. Yeah." I answered Nervously.

"Kaname, Takuma, Miss Akina will be attending the Night Class next Monday. Please help her move her things and prepare a dorm for her today." Headmaster said.

"Yes!" They both answered.

"But how about her work as one of the Disciplinary Comitee?" Louven asked.

"She will still be one of it, but until further notice she'll be a Night Class student for now. Which means she's still a Day Class student." Takuma added.

"Is it alright with you Cheryl?" Lorena asked me.

"Hai." I answered slowly.

"You are all dismissed." The Headmaster said. I got away ahead of all of them, actually I run out of the Headmaster's office, I could even hear my cousins calling me.

"Cheryl!" Louvena and Lorena shouted as they came out of the office.

"Amia....." Yuuki murmured.

"Headmaster! Is it really necessary that you would send her to the Night Class. She had trouble just days ago. How can she adjust with the Night Class, she can't even talk to vampires that well!" Zero shouted at the headmaster with anger.

"Zero. Stop that." Yuuki said to Zero as she calms him down.

"Sorry Zero, it's only for her protection." He answered.

"Her Protection?! Me and Yuuki can protect her already! She doesn't need to much. She would think that she's trouble to others." Zero shouted.

"Zero! It is my decision! It is none of your business!" Headmaster said back.

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