Chapter 19- An Ambush

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Hi! :) I don't actually if this is the last chaper. Maybe, Maybe not. But I guess I'll make an Epilogue. :))) I just felt like making one. XD


Akina's POV:

(Days passed)

"Ughhh! Of all things we would possibly do in a trip, walking is my hatest part." Yuuki complained.

"So much for changing all these years." I mumbled beside Zero.

"Just let her be. She used to be like this when we were kids, she was always a spoiled brat and miss sassy pants." he joked.

"She'll kill you if she heard you." I murmured.

"Not before I kill her." he looked at me seriously. I stopped walking.

"ZERO! That wasn't good a joke." I shouted and slapping him at the arm.

"IT was a joke." he said laughing this time.

"It wasn't good." I pouted. We were last at the group so it was fine to stop. We were just heading to the museum so it's fine.

"Come on. I'm sorry." he smiled at me. 

"Whatever." I said walking. He just laughed, because he knows I was playing with him.

Since we entered the museum I still haven't looked or noriced Zero. There's a side of me that is annoyed and just wanted to play with him. His joke would make Kaname furious, despite the fact that he is a hunter. We've been at the museum for one hour now, and I noticed Takuma-senpai was a little bit down, I went straight to him.

"Takuma-senpai?" I asked him with a soft voice.

"Oh, Akina-sama." he smiled cheerfully, he did smile but it was fake. He has been like this when he knew of the death of our cousin, both of them were very close. I never thought it would affect him this much.

"Please, stop with the -sama Takuma-senpai. You seem very down lately." I said. 

"Is that so Akina?" he asked.

"Yeah. Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that this painting is so sad." he said as he looks at the painting before us, I examined it and I saw a girl frowning behind her was an old castle. I frowned, I don't know why, but I felt sad.

"Yeah, it is sad. Well, let's just keep looking at other paintings, shall we?" I offered him and he smiled.

We walked together, it was alright because we still have 1 hour to spend here, so we talked about the times when Ciela-chan was still alive.

"She was always like that. She would always pinch me at the ear, I was just playing around with Louven." I said laughing.

"Yes. Yes. I was always there to calm her down." he said laughing. "Well, I guess Ms. Kiryuu is waiting for you." he said as I look at Zero he was looking at us smiling.

"Bye M'lady." he said smiling. I smiled at him and waved lightly. I looked at Zero seeing him coming my way.

"You still not gonna talk to me?" he asked, wrapping his hand at my waist.

"Zero. Stop this is in public and I'm sure if sister sees us she'll kill you, literally." I said.

"Maybe, but she wouldn't want her little sister sad, would she? Not like me I always make sure that my girl is always happy, but I think I failed this time." he said.

"Oh? Is Sir Kiryuu asking for an apology?" I raised an eyebrow smirking.

"Hmmm." he looked at me with a smirk. I chuckled and gave him a smallpeck in the lips. 

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