Chapter 8- A Threat to Keep

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Akina's POV:

                   It's already Thursday, and 2 days passed since my talk with Zero, he really helped me alot. Well, now were here guarding the school gates, Night Class gates that is. Everyday, these girls gets wilder and crazier. All I can hear is Kyah,Kyah,Kyah. They all screamed like that more on Louven and Aidou, what the hell?! My cousin isn't that handsome. Especially the gates already opened. And I got tripped over. 

"Ouch!" I said as I tried to sit up. And I notice all the Day Class Girls are looking at my side. They saw Louven coming this way along with Lorena and Ciela-chan.

"Hey Cheryl!" Louven shouted as he came to me at the back was Lorena and Ciela-chan.

"Louven?! You're getting the attention of the Day Class Students." I said as Lorena help me stood up.

"Uhhh, Yeah. I see that. But we have a question to you." Louven said seroiusly.

"Ok, but the other Night Class students are laready way ahead of you." I said with confusion.

"We asked for permission. Let's just wait for the other Day Class to go back to their dorms." Ciela-chan said.

"Ok! All of you get back to your dorms!" Yuuki shouted, noone listened cause the atention was with me and my cousins. I kept hearing things like, "She's with her cousins, again? How lucky she is."" I hope I was Amia.""Look it's Louven-sama, Kyahhh." And the 4 of us just sweatdropped.

"WILL YOU ALL GO BACK TO YOUR DORMS! ITS ALMOST CURFEW YOU KNOW!" Zero snapped, and all of them got scared and wentback to their respective dorms. The two of them went closer to where me and my cousins are standing.

"Why are you guys still here?" Yuuki said with confusion.

"Uhm. We just need to tell Amia something very important. If we would just excuse her from your patrolling for just a split second." Ciela-chan said. The two of them exchange glances and nodded. Me and my couins proceeded at the fountain.

"So what do you guys want to talk about?" I asked. Then Lorena handed me a small envelope, It was color Red, the scent was so familiar, it was blood. I was shocked and looked at my cousins with awe.

"I knew you would have such an expression." Louven said.

"What does this leter contain?" I asked still frightened.

"It's a death threat." Lorena said starightly.

"A WHAT?!" I asked surprisingly.

"Yes! But can you read it?" Ciela-chan asked.

"Ok." I said as I opened the envelope. Inside it was a White rose with splattered blood. I looked at them for a second and look at the letter, It only contained few sentnces, but unforgettable:

"My Dear Czarina,

                      I'm here to tell you, that I know what happened to your sister. Don't worry she's in safe hands. Which means, she is alive. Be careful of your surroundings Milady, you don't know, When or How I will attack you and your cousins. I warn you, you might not be able to have a good night rest. Also, I will devour those who are close to you.

                                                                               Thank you, The Phantom."

       Then I started to hiver with fear along with sorrow, I can't believe my sister is alive. Why? Why would she keep it a secret from me? Why?! Then I felt tears started to stream down my face. Other than fear and sorrow, I felt anger and betrayed. I don't know if I should stay strong or show what I feel.

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