Chapter 18- Not so Much of a Trip

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Akina's POV:

              "Oh, so we'll be at Paris for 2 days. Then 1 day at Marseille and another 1 day at Lyon. We'll be staying at a hotel at Lyon before we head to the airport to Italy." Yuuki told me as she looked at the intenerary I was holding.

             "Seems so. By the way, why can't we see the Eiffel Tower from here?" I said pouting while looking over the window . We're all at the shuttle bus headed to our Hotel, some of us are enjoying the view and some are resting.

             "Good God! You've been complaining since we got out of the airport. You're turning 18 already and still you haven't changed." Yuuki said but vefore she could continue I cut her off.

               "Gosh! What's so wrong with complaining?." I asked  as I looked at her weirdly. I bontinued to braid my ombre hair. Yep. I dyed the tip of my hair with pink. But it was actually an issue with my sister. Saying that it was so unlady like. Ughh.

              "Well because you're my bestfriend and I'm always here for you." she said. Smiling at me, more like a grin. I just stuck my tongue out at her. There were sits that were facing the opposite window like it was vertical but layed down. It was infront, and there were 3 seater chairs at the back in a horizontal way.  Our sitting arrangement was like this:
||||||||||||||||||||||Side Door 

              "Do you guys even know the word pipe down?" Zero shoted a scary look at us. Me and Yuuki just fidgeted. 

              "How can you even keep up with this guy?" Yuuki whispered at my ear. I just shrugged and giggled. "I really don't know." I whispered back. I took my pear phone out and looked over the site of the university we would be entering.

It was written at the header. Leanderte University (Real School Don't know what country. XD) I looked over it. This university were for vampires only, Level Cs and above. Which was about Zero's Level. I frowned at the thought, 'Zero's at the verge of being a Level D then next is E. How can he hold his thirst? He can take the tablets but he's having trouble sometimes. Will he go down to being a Level E?'

             "Hmmmm. Checking the university's site ha. Something wrong?" Zero and Yuuki suddenly said cutting my thoughts.

               "Ha? Will you guys knock it off? You keep doing this everytime." I said pushing them back to  their seats. "Well, because you're always at deep thought." Yuuki said. "You space out at times." Zero added. "It's that obvious." I muttered.

            "So you really are in a deep thought." They sweatdropped. "Yoh! You three. We're here. Stop your chat." Louven said.

              "We know just shut it!" the three of us glared. Lately Louven is making pranks, and the major victims are us three. And we despise him for that.

            "Sheesh. You guys are still angry?" he asked. "What do you think?" Zero asked. "Well." He said in a disblief tone. Then we started a quarell as we got down the bus. And we felt someone separate us. 

             "Will you four stop? You guys are really causing a commotion here." my sister said. "He started it." We all pointed at Louven. "W-What?!" he stuttered. "You're coming with me young mister. Lorena! Please help me with your brother." sister shouted.

          "Why does she have to be always that loud?" I asked under my breathe. "Atleast she's not quiet as Yuuki's brother." Zero blurted. I looked at him at disbelief. "Zero!" I shouted.

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