Chapter 5- The Ball

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The next day, Sunday.

I woke up very early today and went outside walked around the school. Then I stopped at the bridge at the small pond, I looked at my reflection and then I saw my sisters reflection.

"Onee-sama!" I said then I looked at my back and noone was there then back at the water.

"Ahh. It was just my imagination." I said as I touch my face and teas sttarted to fall.

"Uhmm. Simetra-san are you crying?" A guy my back.

I Looked back and I saw Takuma-senpai and Ciela-chan.

"Ciela-chan. Takuma-senpai. Why are you here? You guys are not allowed to be out of the Moon Dorm in the morning." Me as I wipe away my tears.

"Sorry Amia,but we saw you walk here then we followed you. And I also heard you say . Onee-sama." Ciela-chan said.

"Ahh yeah. I did say that. Maybe I saw her at the waters reflection. I just can't stop thinking about her." I said as I look back at the water.

"Ok back to the topic. Why are you guys here?" I asked them.

"It's about the Ball tonight Simetra-san. It'll be held at the Kuran Clan's mansion. Please be there. We expect all of the Simetra Clan to attend, the only family members that is left that is." Takuma-senpai added.

"Ahh... Ok... Thanks.... for....the....information......"Me. Still not good.-_-"

"Oh My. You still can't handle vampires?" Takuma asked.

"Ehe. Gomene." Me as I scratch my haid and sweatdroppee.

"By the way Amia wear Formal clothes." Ciela-chan said

"Ok. Thnks I'll tell Yuuki and Zero." Me as I start to.leave.

"Oh by the.way Amia. A family of Shadow vampires are also coming. The Crest are one of it. That means the Crest Sisters are the only one.coming to the ball. and the other Family Viscon." Ciela-chan said seriously.

"Shadow Vampires?!" I said with shock.

"It's fine Simetra-san, your gonna be fine. Were here ti protect you." Takuma-senpqi said with a smile.

"Arigatou.....Takuma-senpai......"I said as I smile.a.little at him.

"Your still scared." Ciela-cham sweatdropped.

"W-w-what? No! I just.can't adjust. need me. Ill be doing my duties. Bye. See you later.," Ne as I run away from them.

At the Chairman's dining room.......

"Uhmmm. Zero have you seen Amia-chan? When I woke up she wasn't at her bed. I'm staryiqng to worry." Yuuki said as she.arranges the table.

"I know she's alright. Maybe she just took a walk outside yo have some fresh air." Zero said.

Then I came onto the Dining Room. wity tge chairman about the ball.

"Oh. Hi Yuuki-chan, Zero. Ohayou." I greeted.

"Told yah. She's fine" Zero said.

"Uhmmm. Did I troubled you guys?" I asked.

"Oh not that much." Zero teased.

"Zero stop that. No Amia-chan No trouble at all. Uhmm.. Amia-chan you look kinda.down.".Yuuki said.

"Ah it's nothing Yuuki-chan. Neh. Yuuki-chan you didn't tell me Shadow vampires are attending the ball tonight." I said as I look at her with troubled.eyes.

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