Chapter 15- Training

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Hello! :) This story might have some scenes form Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II. ^^v. :) I guess there will be 5 more chapters to go. :) Sorry



"Terra Yamazaki?" I said.

"It's been a while." She smirked. I felt Lorena and Louven tensed up.

"Why is that Killer here?" Lorena shouted with anger.


Akina's POV:

                              We were all silent no one moved or talk. The Night Class were just confused of what they are seeing. Me, Lorena and Louven has our boiling blood. Why is she here? Then the headmaster talked.

                             "I see that you three met Yamazaki already. She's one of our best hunters you see." The headmaster said.

                         "Aren't you aware of what 'it' is?" Louven empahsized the it. I can see in his voice that his pancking.

                                 "Louven!" I said in warning tone.

                               "Yes. We are aware of that." Kaito answered.

                              "Why her?" Lorena asked.

                              "You couldn't get Yagari-sensei to help or another hunter?" I asked starting to be hysterical.

                              "Calm your self child. I know what happened in both of our pasts. So calm down." She answered.

                               "Calm down?! Calm down?! Your kind killed half of our family despite the fact that you helped the Shadow Vampires! You killed our parents. You're a monster! WEREWOLF!" Louven shouted.

                                "Werewolf?!" The Night Class asked in shock. They were having glares at Terra.

                                   "Lorena, Louven, You got it all wrong. She wasn't one of the wolves who tried to kill your parents. She didn't even shed a blood or touch your family. Not even your sister." The headmaster explained.

                                "What do you mean? I saw her tugging my Aunt Samantha's body into the forest and she was chasing me Now you're saying I got it all wrong." I asked panicking.

                               "You don't understand. I tugged your Aunt's body into the forest so I can heal her. But it was too late. She died and as I can remember she wanted to give Lorena and Louven this. She said that you two treasures these things very much. And I was chasing you because I wanted lead you to where your sister is. Before she was being taken by Aiden. If you weren't that scared of me you could have your sister now and this incident wouldn't happen." She explained and gave small boxes to Louven and Lorena. I was feeling guilt wash over me.

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