Chapter 2- Our First Day

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After being toured here in Cross Academy, I was very interested to it's past and schhol itself, I never thought many things has happened at this school. But when we were roaming around the academy, I noticed Zero is not even helping Yuuki, Gosh! He's so Blunt, he's to straight forward, but I think he's cool, but I couldn't talk to them because their vampires. Yuuki always cheers me up when I always lookdown in our tour, but still doesn't work, maybe I just don't get along with vampires, but sometimes Zero makes me laugh when he teases Yuuki. The school bell rang that means, time for class which means, my first day in the Day Class.

In class the teacher named Yagari Toga, who is a vampire hunter, it's a surprise I'm not scared of him, well his a human. -_-". "Good Morning students, today I would be introducing you your new classmate, you may come in now." Yagari-sensei said. "Ohayou Minna, I'm Akina Simetra, 16 years of age, You can call me Amia or Cheryl if you want, Nice to meet you all. Where should I sit sensei?" Me as I look at Yagari-sensei. "You could sit beside Zero." As he points out the unoccupied seat. "Oh Great! A vampire." I whispered sarcastically. 

Classes started and when Snacks was in,all the girls and boys gathered around me and asked like a thousand questions like:

"Are you one of the guardians?"

"What school are you from?"

"Du you have a boyfriend?"

"Why are you seperated to your cousins?"

I was too wierded out by the questions, suddenly Yuuki barged in and grabbed me in the wrist and said, "Sorry, but we have some bussiness to talk about, Sorry. Zero come here and Help!" Yuuki shouts in the crowd. "Geez! Coming!" Zero said as he pulled both of our hands. Then all of the students started to become quiet. "Uhmmmm. Is he really this......Always......Scary..?" Me as I shyly asked Yuuki. "Don't worry Amia, he's always like this and no need to be shy." Yuuki said. "Come on let's go out already!" Zero as he pushed me and Yuuki out of the room.

"Arigatou.......Zero........." Me as I look at the other side. "Don't sweat it. By the way isn't that your cousins. with...." Zero and Yuuki continued. "Takuma-senpai?" "Ha?" Me as I look at the direction their looking at. I noticed that all the Day Class students are looking at Louven and Lorena, and the guy the call Takuma-Senpai. "Oh No!" I said as I hurry and follow the three of them. "Amia!" Yuuki. "Cheryl, don't follow them! We'll be introuble if the headmaster knows about this." Zero as he and Yuuki followed me.

Then I finally caught up with Louven. "Caught you, Dweeb!" As I let him tripped to the ground. "Cheryl-san!" Lorena shouted. "Why are you and Ciela-chan, not guarding this Dweeb? You guys are responsible for this, rascalt! Why is he even running away?" Me as I hold Louven's wrist tightly. "Awww.Awwww! Ouch! Let go of my wrist, Bastard!" He shouted. "Fine then! There you go." Me as I pushed him to Lorena. "Well, he was very excited of the acdemy and got out. You know him his a trouble maker." Lorena said straightly. "Sheesh!" Me with annoyance. "If you're pissed off, punch me , like you always do at the mansion."He teased. "WhyYou!" As I try to attack him and Ciela-chan stopped me as she grabbed bothe of my arms. "Now! Now! Stop fighting you two." Ciela-chan said, where did she come from? in the tree? Then I saw the guy they call Takuma-senpai with Yuuki and Zero and Ciela-can with Kaname other Night Class Students.

"So this is your other cousin, Ciela-san. She's the pureblood? Well I guess she isn't shy with vampires" Takuma-senpai asked. "That's right. Simetra-san" A guy with a blonde hair. "Yeah! Well she's different when it comes to family, she's used to humans only." Ciela-chan expalined as she let go of my arms. I go near Lorena, infact at Lorena's back, I'm just a few inches taller than her. "Great! More vampires." I whispered to Lorena sarcatically. "Just calm down! Were just vampires nothing to be scared of." Takuma-senpai said with a smile. "Well, I guess he heard what you said." Lorena said. "What did she say, again?" Ciela-chan said. "Nothing. As what she always say." Louven teased. 

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