Chapter 10- My Feelings Towards You ♥ ♫

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Akina's POV:

                    It was already Monday, and it's my first day as a Night Class Student. These past two days all the students were so nice to me and I kindly adjusted with them, Rima and Ruka helped me with the studies to catch up, it seems that they're a little bit advance in our studies. Yuuki would visit me every night. And I can finally sleep and rest in the morning! :). The only sad thing is that I can only visit my friends every night. Well, they knew that I was moved at the Night Class already. They were happy for me, yet sad because they wouldn't spend time for me.

                    I looked at my phone and it was just 3:00 pm, one more hour and all the Night Class Students must be awake and all getting ready for class. I jumped out of bed and gone straight to the shower and took a bath, after that I put on my white uniform, then again jumped into bed and sat. I looked at my phone and it was just 3:30 pm.

"Hayzz! 30 more minutes. I'm getting bored," as I layed my shoulders down at the bed. Then someone knocked in my door.

{SFX: *Knock* 3x}

"Ha? Who is it?" I asked as I sat up.

"It's me and Rima." Ruka said.

"Ah. Come in." I said and looked at my phone it was 3:35, 5 minutes only passed.

"You ready? We're all assembling downstairs for the opening of the gates." Ruka said.

"Yeah, isn't it a little bit early?" I asked with confusion.

"Yes, but we're just assembling down, some just waits for the signal of the Disciplinary Comittee and the gate keeper." Rima added.

"You wanna go down already?" Ruka asked.

"Uhhh. No, I'm still sleepy." I said as I cover my face by the pillow.

"What time did you woke up?" Rima asked.

"About 3:00." I answered, the pillow is still in my face.

"Well, that's a little bit early for newcomers." Ruka said.

"Nah, I'm just sleepy. I can't sleep yesterday morning because of Hanabusa's complainments." I said as I stood up already.

"Get use to it, Every Sunday his like that." Ruka said as she sits down at my bed.

"Really?" I sighed and sweatdropped, they just giggled a little and Hanabusa suddenly entered the room.

"Girls, the gates are about open and we're about to leave." He said.

"Ok." We answered.

"We'll be right there." Ruka answered. Then Aidou already left the room, after moments we decided to follow him. I got my phone in silent and kept it in my pocket. When we got out, we meet up with Senri. 

"Senri? I thought you were already out side with the others?" Rima asked.

"Yes, but I went here to pick you up guys." He answered.

"Pick us up?" I asked.

"Don't we like still have 10 minutes left?" Ruka asked.

"Yes, but the Day Class got a early dismissal time and I guess Lady Yuuki's having a hard time, guarding the Day Class students." Senri said.

"Isn't Zero helping her?" I asked.

"No, we can't hear his voice." Senri answered.

"Ok." I answered awkwardly. Then we all proceeded down and we almost got late, the gates are about to open.

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