Chapter 3- Akina's Past

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"Mother, Father where are we going?" Little Akina asked. "Somewhere away from this place sweetie." mother answered. "Where's sister Amily?" I asked. "She has spmethings to manage baby." Father said. "NO! I want to be in onee-sama's side always! I want to be with her!" I said as tears started to stream down my face.

My parents look at me with worried looks, and nodded at the sametime. Then my father said "We will see her again, but for now, I'm sorry baby" my father said as he puts his hand in my head and let me fell asleep.

Moments later.........

I woke up and saw Ciela-chan carrying me with Lorena and Louven beside her where we are standing I can see my parents fighting with other vampires, but I never saw my sister. I asked Ciela-chan why is my parents fighting with other vampires. Ciela-chan answered "Their Shadow Vampires, Amia. Enemies of our race. Let's go now, Lorena, Louven." Ciela-chan said. "NO NO I WANT TO BE WITH MY FAMILY, MOTHER FATHER, ONEE SAMAAAAAA!" Little akina screamed.

"Onee-sama!" I screamed. I touched my face and I felt tears.

"Amia-chan?" Yuuki

"Are you alright?" Yori asked as they came close to me.

"I dreamed about my family." I said as I continue to cry.

"Now, Now..." Yuuki as she hugs me.

"It'll be okay. You have us and your cousins," Yori added. And I smiled.

At Class..

It was out 5th period already and I can't focus easily. That memory keeps running in my mind.

"Miss Simetra, Miss Simetra? MISS SIMETRA!" Sensei screamed.

"Ahh, Present." I answered as I stopped thinking about that dream.

"If you're just gonna space out do it later, after my class." Sensei exclaimed.

"Hai, Gomenasai." I said.

"Something wrong? You've been spacing out the whole day." Zero said.

"It's nothing, and what makes you say that?" Me

"You've been thinking very deeply the past hours." Zero said

"I'm sorry. I just have a dream." Me as I sweatdropped.

"What kind of dream?" Zero asked.

"I'll tell it tomyou guys later." I answered.

Dismisall Time!

"Amia-chan!" Yuuki as she goes straight to me. I still can't get along. -_-"

"Yuuki...chan....what is it?" Me.

"You said you have something to say to us right?" Zero barged in

"Oh yeah.... About that...." Meas I scratch my head.

"You kids can talk about something later. For now I need you kids in my office." Chairman Cross said.

"Uh-Oh! Trouble!" Yuuki said.

In the Chairman's Office.

"Miss Akina, all of your subject teacher are complaining of your behaviour n class, it seems that you're not participating in it. Good thing I made an excuse." Chairman said.

"I'm sorry sir, it's just because I had a dream and I can't get it out of my head." I explained.

"is it because of your past? Your cousins always tell me that you dream of that always." Chairman said.

Then I looked down and started to dimmed " Hai. It is about that, sir." I answered.

"Well I have a solution for that. That's why I called for your cousins. Let's just wait for them." Chairman said.

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