Chapter 17- Is This The End

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Sorry if this chapter is a little bit confusing, I got Mental Block. -.- Sorry. And it's a bit quick. I was too lazy. But I don't think this is the last chapter . Well I'll try.


Akina's POV: 

                      Me and Aiden have been fighting for a while, I didn't even gave him a chance to attack when he falls down I just keep attacking him. Everyone watched me in awe. I really want to kill him. He killed my family, I can't allow that. I felt tears came out my cold eyes. I somehow used half of the galaxy, he won't budge. 

                          "You're heartless Aiden. You just killed everyone that gets in your way. Why is that? What's your problem?" I asked starting to have a major breakdown. Well, I know I'm over reavting but If you would be in my place you would wish to die. 

                              "You don't understand why I'm doing this. And no one will ever. You Simetras are responsible of what happened to our family. You're the one heartless. That's why I want the Czarina and the Empress gone." he answered. I looked at him. I could see sadness in his eyes.

                                 "What did our family ever did to the Viscons? Shadow's are said to be friends with Purebloods why?" I asked, I looked at Louven, Lorena, and everyone after looking at him.

                                 "Ask the Kurans or your sister. I'm sure they know." He answered with disgust. I turn around and looked at Kaname and Nee-san who had serious eyes.

                                   "This has nothing to do with Lady Akina, Aiden don't bring her to the problem!" Kaname ordered. "Aiden just give up. It was the past." Nee-san answered. 

                                      "What?" I was confused. It's like Kaname, Nee-san and Aiden have their own world. "Well, if you don't want to tell her or anybody here. The Kurans and Simetras are known as good friends. My family was asked to join kill the Kurans they accepted it, Rido Kuran asked to let me join and steal Yuuki Kuran. But I failed, Your stupid sister and the Kuran guy over there killed half of my family also. It's weird that I even wanted help from the werewolves. I wanted them to get Amily and make her suffer. I failed because your parents stole her back. That's where we started to attack your family. And attack them one by one." He explained. I was confuse to what I'm hearing now. I looked at the vampires, hunters behind me. I saw Kaname, Nee-sans face become furious. Shiki's face hardened everyone including me looked dumb founded. I know this is just a little thing. But I felt like I was betrayed, everything was kept from me. My identitty, my powers, my family, everthing. If they said it in the fist place I would have understand that my family is at fault also.

                                      "Akina. Uhmm." my sister was trying to put the words out. "What?! Why didn't you tell this to me Kaname? Why?" Yuuki was angry she walked out in the middle of the battle, the headmaster ordered someof the hunters to follow her. I clenched my fist and bowed my head. I was furious than I felt a while ago.

                                        "Even though, I still have to finish you Aiden. That was our goal." I said and run towards him. Ready for attacking. He dodged my attack and kicked me in the back. i fell down but I stood up quickly. Next thing I know he was pointing a gun at me. But before he could pull the trigger I kicked it out of his hand, I picked it up but the gun was hurting me. This gun doesn't aprove me.  But I endured the pain and pulled the trigger and shoot him. It shoot him alright. But it wasn't enough to kill him, he was attacking me with vines. I kept doding until I was out of breathe, but one vine was ready to attack I wanted to move but I was tired. I closed my eyes and waited for the attack but I felt nithing, instean I heard a gun shot and a swing of a sword. I opened my eyes, I looked it was Yuuki and Zero it wasn't a sword but it was Yuuki's scythe. She came back.

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