Chapter 13- The Awakening

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Hello my dear readers! :). Sorry if I haven't UD in a while. My mom wouldn't let me touch my computer! :'(.TwT.


Zero's POV:

                 It was already morning, but I couldn't find Ciela anywhere. I asked Yuuki to help me but she not in sight. So we just decided to go back to Cheryl's room. When we got there we saw Lorena trying to calm down Louven. Well, the Night Class isn't here they need some rest. Back to the story. Yuuki started to run ove the two and I observed a piece of paper in Louven's hand.

"What is going on here?" Yuuki asked.

"Uhmmm.." Lorena lowered her head. We can see sorrow in her eyes, while Louven had teary eyes and guilt, mixed with anger.

"I thought Cheryl's a Bastard. But I couldn't think she could beat Cheryl for being a bastard! Dammit!" Louven shouted.

"What's that in your hand?" I asked.

"See for yourself." He said handing me the paper. It was a letter, with a legible and readable writing. I started reading it that only the only ones in the room can hear it. Well, except for Cherly that is.

Dear Louven and Lorena,

                                              Sorry if this is un-announced, but I decided to find Amily-nee. I can never take the chances of you two including Amia getting hurt. So I'd be the one to find her. I'm safe to wherever I am. Don't worry. I'm sorry though to what happened. 

                                                                                                                  Your Sister. Ciela 

"She ran away." I said as I settled the letter down the side table.

"But for my knowing. Ciela-san would never do that. She always wants the happiness of you two. She can't just bail you guys off, especially to Amia-chan's condition. She would never do that. Something is just wrong. Maybe this was just a prank from the Crest sisters. You know what they are capable of doing right?" Yuuki said.

"Maybe, Maybe not. But why in the world would our sister go with them or let her be kidnapped? She is never affected of any sleeping potions or fumes. And it was night time when our fight happened it's vampires hours. Well, you get what I'm saying. But my point is our sister is she would never go with someone.... Unless." Lorena explained and looked shock at the end and exchanges looks with Louven.

"Unless. Some idiot gave her an offer or a preposition." Louven continued. 

"Well can my thouhts help?" Hanabusa suddenly popped out of no where. 

"Hanabusa? You should be at Cross Academy." Yuuki said.

"Lord Kaname ordered me to look over you guys Lady Yuuki." He answered.

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