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It has been 6 months since out trip from Europe and sice I last saw Zero. After our trip we headed back to the mansion, we didn't even had the chance to say goodbye to the others. 

"Spell Boring!" Louven shouted.

"L-O-U-V-E-N!" Lorena spelled and I can't help burst into laughter.

"What the?! No!" he said.

"Oh? Really? Then what is the answer?" I asked while smirking.

"LIFE!" he shouted and acted like he being tortured or something.

"Oh Shut it!" I said throwing the small pillow beside me at him. Then he catches it.

"Still fine reflexes." Lorena laughed.

"Tch." he totally is pissed off right now. Then there was a knock at door and Lorena shouted:

"It's open!" then the one who entered was my sister. She was wearing casual clothes and looks like she was going somewhere.

"What's the.. ocassion?" Louven asked.

"You guys really forget things easily. What was the main reason I told you three to pack your things? The question, Is your things already packed up? We're going to your new university. Hello?" she said. Then we all stood up and left our sister. We were dead bored here. In just minutes I was dressed and I got my things out already.

"Ready!" I said grinning.

"Ok. Let's go." she said, then all of us rode the family limo and was drove to our new University. The university was big. We stepped outside and looked at it with awe.

"So huge!" Louven exclaimed.

"Amia-chan? Louven? Lorena? Amily-nee?"  a familiar voice called. We looked behind us and it was Rima and Shiki.

"Senri, Rima!" Lorena smiled.

"Czarina Akina, Empress Amily." they bowed.

"Oh dear, please don't be that formal." my sister said.

"Lady Akina, if I must say if you're looking for Kiryuu. He's at the bench over there." Rima said pointing the bench.

I thanked them and asked permission from my sister. I went straight to Zero and noticed that he was laughing, until I realized that he was talking with someone, and that someone was Miwa. I stopped and waited until Zero looked my way. And he called me. I just smiled.

"You didn't texted me that you were here already." he said kissing me at the cheek.

"I seem to forgot." I said.

"Akina. Nice to see you again, I don't know if you still remember me but I'm Miwa Takahashi." Miwa smiled at me offering a handshake I took it and shook it.

"Yeah. I still remember you. A childhood friend of Zero. I know about your past, the headmaster told me, my sincere condelence." I said, ofcourse the part 'the headmaster told me' was a complete lie.  

"I gotta go first Zero. I gotta go look for Yuuki. Bye. See you later, Miwa, Zero." I said waving at them. I didn't listen to Zero I just ignored him. It hurts.

I run until I was far from them, I stopped near a tree and took shade in it. I was panting heavily, and relaxed. "I guess my year here would be not the way I expected it." I said with a sad smile.


Hi! So I'll have a sequel and maybe I'll update tomorrow? I'll just publish the book and Update the Prologue. So hope you like it. :) 

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