Chapter 16- Family Reunion? NOT!

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Haven't UD in a while! :[. Sorry! Just had a vacation.


Akina's POV:

                        I woke up in the middle of the night. 7 in the morning is night for us. You get the point. I saw the others at the living room. They were all sitting there. They look troubled.

                          "What's with those gloomy faces?" I asked with a serious tone. All of them looked at me. Aidou and Akatsuki stood up straight. I already what that means. It means they have somthing to report me. Kaname ordered this two to be my body guard. -.-. So bad for Aidou she's already looking out for Yuuki. Then I got added up, :/

                          "Lady Akina. It's an order from the headmaster." Aidou said. I looked at them sharply. I don't want them circling aroung the point. I want it staright to the point.

                             "I am ordering you and Yuuki to hide close to our hunters. You will not join this battle." Suddenly the headmaster entered the dormitory with Terra and the other hunters including Zero, Kaito-sensei and Yagari-sensei.

                              "WHAT?!" Me and Yuuki asked in unison. She just came down with Kaname. She immiediately stood right next to me.

                                 "Father why?" She asked.

                                  "It's too risky loosing two royalties of your kind. And Kanme wouldn't approve if you join Yuuki so is you cousins and sister Akina. We already asked Lorena and Louven here, and they wouldn't want you joining what else if it's your sister or Ciela-san. So I need you to stay close to Kaito and Aria here." The head master explained. Yuuki kept complaining to her brother I kept complaining to the headmaster, then we just ended giving up. Then Lorena suddenly talked.

                                    "It seems there's no time left. We need to move now. We don;t have time to train. Aiden's already making his move. His destroying the whole town of St. Demetri. And his planning to kill the Senate." She said. We looked up to her.

                                         "The Senate?" I suddenly blurted. My Aunt Aurelie is there.

                                          "Father." I heard Aidou murmured. I looked down at the floor letting my bangs cover my eyes. I gripped my hand tightly.

                                          "Don't worry your fighting skills won't go to waste. You'll have to go out there and fight somehow." Terra suddenly whispered in my ear. I looked at her.

                                           "How about the replica of my necklace? Who's gonna give it? Aiden's smart enough. I don't even know how to use the Galaxy yet, just few of it." I said.

                                            "No need to worry about that. We've got Aria here. She's a double-ganger. And I know you can do it." Terra said pointing Aria and putting her hand on my shoulder.

                                             "I'm still not sure of it." I answered. All of them looked at me worried. I've never felt like this before. I was feeling very scared, worried, and more over loosing hope.

                                             "I'm sure will get Amily-nee and Ciela-nee back." Lorena and Louven answered both of them had smiles on their faces. Smiles I couldn't imagine they could. They were full of hope, radiant and believing.

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