𝟥 | party

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TW!! mention of abuse.

LOUIS AND i were still watching tiktoks waiting for millie to get downstairs.

"im here! let's go." millie yelled running down stairs but stopped half way.

"is louis coming?" she asked issie who was now sitting in the couch. "yep." louis replied himself and got up.

i got up aswell, putting my phone on my back pocket and walked out of the house, following millie and issie with louis behind me.


we've been walking for about ten minutes around london, millie showed me the school and it looked bigger in person, in a week i will be inside of it.

issie was talking about her years in the school and telling me some fun memories she made there with her friends.

in the corner of the road you could see a group of girls walking in the opposite direction of us, one of them was laughing and when she saw louis she walked a bit faster so did louis.

millie and issie stopped and louis and that girl hugged and said something to each others.

"who's that?" i asked issie.

"lulu, short for eluned."

the girl louis was talking to wasn't taller than me, mid shoulder blonde hair, brown eyes and a great style.

she seemed so sweet, she was
smiling and talking with louis and when she saw me she waved.

i waved back with a smile and she kept talking with him.

then there was a brunette girl, all dressed in pink except for her shoes, she was talking with another girl that was a brunette aswell.

after about two minutes they hugged again and the group of girls started walking again so did we.

"i thought you and lulu had broken up." millie said trying to go at the same level as louis.

"we did." he said and his smile faded away.

we kept walking around the streets and sometimes louis would look back to where eluned was.

while louis and millie were talking about some random stuff, issie stopped walking and pointed to a random vintage tea shop at the end of the street.

"let's go there." she said and we walked with her towards it.

we entered the shop and there was round red tables with black chairs on the right, on the left there was normal tables agaisnt the wall with a 'couch' along with it.

millie sat in one of those round tables and so did i, louis sat next to me and issie next to him.

"i'm going to the toilet." issie said and got up, millie following along.

i got off my chair to go with them but louis said wrapped his hand on my fist, i looked up at him confused waiting for him to say something.

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