𝟣𝟩 | loving louis

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LOVING LOUIS was perhaps the best feeling in the world, just his existence makes me wanna scream and babble to him about how much i love him. it's a unexplainable feeling, i cannot use enough words to describe how much i'm in love with this guy. it almost feels fake all of this, waking up and getting to watch his face lighten up as he watches how dark it is- something i'll never get tired of and hope i get to do that my whole life.

at this point we both forgot about that stupid rule of his, i still wonder why he did it, maybe because he hated me? or perhaps because he was already in love with someone? however it's not my problem anymore and i do not wanna talk about it.

everyone took it great. 'great' may not be the exact word- but it's close.

i first told my parents about my love experience over facetime- something i thought i'd never had to do. it would sometimes lag and i'd have to repeat it again- several times.

my sister- was quite overprotective. she wrote to louis the second i ended the call. apparently he felt 'affected' by her words.

louis' family took it incredibly well, the first thing we did was to go through a big book full of pictures of mini lou- it was so cute. he eventually got mad at me for 'invading his privacy', but quickly apologized with a kiss.

nobody really seemed to have a problem with it, so i don't see why i do.

i didn't have a problem- it bugged me to be exact, the fact that we technically aren't dating since he never asked me and he just assumed it and i went along with it.

i always imagined my proposal as a basic thing, not too much. i never was the one to bring much attention to, so i imagined that a simply teddy bear would do.



as i had a stare contact with the clock, waiting for the bell, i noticed how insanely slow it was today- as if it didn't even move at all.

i furrow my eyebrows in confusing, raising my hand in the air. i quickly got our math teacher attention.

"what seems to be the problem, miss depp?" he asked, setting his black pencil down- even his pencil looked expensive.

"is this clock broken?" i questioned him, watching some students turn around to either look at the clock or at me- which both lead to the same conclusion, losing time.

"why, is it bothering you?" he inquired, once again getting up and closing his book. "well yes, because it's clearly not working." i insisted, shoving my hands on the table.

"you should be working, with a partner which by the way looks like you don't have."

yeah, about that...

"uhm- well- louis went to the bathroom." i justified, showing him the page i had done, alone.

he left an hour ago, and clearly not to the bathroom.

"i suppose so.. and no, the clock is not broken, unless someone broke it." he continued, looking further in the wall. "perhaps, instead of losing your time trying to figure out if the clock is broken or not, you should work." he smiled, and at that exact moment the bell rang.

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