𝟣𝟧 | tea darling

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i watched olivia twirl her hair with the use of her finger as we waited for the waiter. she had her hair in a ponytail and two strands of hair falling out.

"so lou lou, tell me about what you wanted to talk." she finally said, after what seemed like hours of twirling her hair, i wonder how it didn't get stuck or something.

oh and about the talk that i wanted to have with her, i quite wanted to break up with her- well not quite, i wanted to. partially because how her greasy fingers damaged my beautiful, soft, ethereal hair- and that was a big issue- i had to switch of shampoos already twice in less than a month.

so i invited her to my house to talk, but she insisted to take it somewhere else, so here we are.

i realized i had zoned out, the waiter was already here, pen in hand waiting for our answers.

"mhm, i want this steak, with these potatoes, some salad and a coke." olivia asked, scrolling through what i imagine was instagram.

"noted.. you sir?" the waiter questioned me. "pasta, perhaps i want the sauce and the pasta separately." i asked, he gave me a small nod and i watched him leave while writing down our requests.

"seriously? separately?" olivia said, furrowing her eyebrows. "ugh we seriously cannot go out with you in public."


i've never imagined my life this hard, first i wasn't nominated as 'the class clown' as a kid, which traumatized me so much, and second, i am currently in the middle of a fancy restaurant, trying to calm down my not so girlfriend- who i just broke up with.

"oh my god louis! is it because of that depp girl?!" olivia screamed, waving her hands around. "no, but maybe because of our lack of communication." i replied back.

"you know what louis, fuck you." she added before getting up and storming out of the restaurant, girls- what a mess. "it's not like you haven't done it before." i hurried to say.



HALLOWEEN NIGHT, the one night of the year i get to have some peace- most of the children and teens are partying, but i take that day off. i also lock all my doors cause i'm scared that bloody mary will appear out of nowhere- but that's a different subject.

as i layed on my bed, trying to sleep at 7pm, my phone kept buzzing, like a group of flys stuck in the border of your window.

i reached out for my phone as i groaned, and ad my surprise, i wasn't dreaming- 67 texts from my favorite groupchat, of course, i'm not joking.


so like i was reading this
extremely hot noah schnapp
fanfic that i found on 'wattpad'
cylia suggested me

too overhated

sam youre 17 and youre
doing that with your life?

 ❦ sᴘᴀʀᴋs ↳ 𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗂𝗌 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗀𝖾Where stories live. Discover now