𝟣𝟨 | find me

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FEELING BAD may be the word. i didn't feel bad, i felt horrible- outrageous. my heart and head hurts just from thinking about the fact that i'll have to get ready and actually leave the house to go to school- something i haven't done in a week.

i closed my eyes, i let out a annoyed groan and i left my bed, putting on my fuzzy socks as i made my way to the kitchen.

i made myself a hot chocolate, while i was pouring the milk, i wondered why we had school when it was -30º, if i step outside i'd freeze in the moment. but the good part is that my life is at the not-so-bad stage, mostly because of one person.

since the party i really feel like we've grown closer, we went on dates, a lot of dates, but we weren't oficial yet.

and that was a issue, but it felt like we were, cause in a way he doesn't talk to any girls like he used to, but he never called me his girlfriend. i want to hear it come from his mouth, otherwise i won't consider him my boyfriend.

i also love this weather, it gets cold and dark at five pm and it only gets lighter later in the morning- i love it.

i sat on the counter, going through my phone to find my schedule- PE, geography, history and then free period. ugh i absolutely love free periods, it usually means me and cylia leaving school to get a muffin.

"already up?" i hear someone say, i turn around, watching the brunette boy pour himself a cup of milk. "maybe because school starts in twenty minutes, milk boy." i joked, trying to hide my smile. "i prefer lou." he grinned, getting closer and kissing my cheek.

this has become a routine now, kisses, cuddles, kisses, cuddles and all over again.

"i am getting ready and you should too." i objected, emphasizing both the words 'i' and 'you'.

"will do, mommy." he taunted, blowing me a kiss.


as i layed in one of my school's yoga mat, i eyed the clocked, waiting for my  lovely break.

"and if you do that for two weeks straight, you may notice a few changes." my professor explained to a student, as he prepared to say something else, the rang bell.

i got up and put away the stuff i used and hurried to the girls changing room.

i changed into my beloved uniform while the other girls were still in the courtyard and left the room, in a hurry i tell you.

i walked through the long corridors to make my way to lunch when someone pushed me aside, next to a locker. "you idiot! what did i tell you about scaring me!" i yelled, ignoring the glares we were having of the other students who simply wanted peace. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean to." louis tried to defend himself. "well you still did." i pouted, firmly putting my hand on my heart to see if i was alive, that was a scare. "you're alive, i promise." he said, laughing and dodging his head on the crock of my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin. "well i hope so." i smiled, ruffling his already-messy hair.

he was about to say something, but he got interrupted by my phone ringing, i slowly picked it out of my pocket and read the text.

 ❦ sᴘᴀʀᴋs ↳ 𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗂𝗌 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗀𝖾Where stories live. Discover now