𝟤𝟣 | sparks

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THE NEW YEAR party was crazy, it was amazing even though all we did was drink basically.

i let my body fall onto my mattress as i close my eyes, my head was spinning and i still could taste the alcohol in my mouth. my makeup was smudged by now, mostly because i've been kissing louis every five minutes but hey, can you blame him?

i let out a long breath that i didn't know i was holding in, the night passed by quickly, i don't even remember the count down part. i just know that it's now two am and i can't sleep.

a small and quiet knock was plastered on my door, making my eyes grow open. i groaned while getting up and managing to not fall.

i opened the door, revealing a not-so-sober louis standing in front of me. his shirt was half unbottomed, he looks like he hasn't sleep in a week and he had his usual messy hair but today it had a extra special messy on. i smiled, he was supposed to look bad but looked hot- someone explain please???

"you look awful." i laughed, trying my best to not snore like i did last time i laughed. i am glad to say i am apart of the afraid-to-laugh club.

"on the usual or just right now?" he blinked, slightly smiling down at me. "do you really want me to answer that?" i raised my eyebrow, maintaining my laugh in.

"honestly, i'd rather be run over by a car." he smiled, gently nudging my shoulder. "i am proud to say i was the one riding it." i innocently smiled, batting my eyelashes as he pretended to be shocked.

"take my hand and let me take you somewhere." he insisted, reaching out for my hand and leading me out of my bedroom.

we tried to not make any sound but i couldn't maintain my laugh inside as we made our way to i don't even know where.

"shut up!" he yelled-whisper, shoving me in a wall while letting out small laughs. i stopped as he did, leaning in to kiss him.

he pulled away and looked further in my eyes- a look i couldn't quite figure out, as if he was trying to understand me, like a puzzle.

he took my hand in his again and lead me to this dark room. "lou the lights!" i muttered, trying to figure out where he was standing. "only if you go out with me." he expressed, letting go my hand. "alright! fine! just get the goddamn lights!" i claimed, moving my arms around and hitting his chest by accident.

once the lights were on, i directly recognized where i was, the same room we had been a few days ago. where he told me all about his favorite books.

i felt a cold breeze of wind brush my hair, i looked from where it came and the window was open. as i reached to close the window, louis gently wrapped his hand around my hand, stopping me from it.

"why can't i close the window?" i asked in confusion, watching him click his tongue. "because we're going to the roof, obviously."

i looked at him and couldn't help but laugh, there was no way i will climb up that roof.


"hold my ankle!" i yelled-whispered to louis who was trying to help me climb up. after tons of kisses and hugs i finally said yes, and here we are, trying to climb up a roof at three am.

 ❦ sᴘᴀʀᴋs ↳ 𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗂𝗌 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗀𝖾Where stories live. Discover now