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"MILLIE HURRY UP!" i shouted from the stairs, waiting for the brunette girl to come out of her room. "coming, coming!" she hurried herself down, putting her fluffy black coat on along with her boots.

"you have everything?" i asked, packing away my wallet. "yes ma'm." she confirmed, holding out her arm and smiling as i linked mine with her's

christmas is in five day's, so me and millie are on our way to go christma's shopping, we thought we'd do it now since louis is staying at his friend for the weekend and the house was insanely quiet, and we don't like silence.


i stepped out of the bus, holding my hand out for millie so she wouldn't slip. we only had to walk a few minutes before arriving to our destination but the thick layers of snow made us slow down.

i turn my head to millie, who was laughing alone. "what are you laughing at?" i asked, leaning in, watching the tip of her nose becoming pink from the cold.

"oh, just imagining you falling after i pushed you." she smiled evilly. "it would be a shame if i did so, i mean your new coat would go to waste." she teased, grabbing a bit of snow and smashing it over my beanie, making sure they were no crumbs left.

i gasped, slowly bending over to grab a full hand of snow and throwing it all over her face. i instantly laughed like a fool as she let out a loud gasp. "you're a dead girl, y/n!" she shouted, grabbing a pile of snow and running after me.

i almost slipped in ice, as i tried to get back up i felt my back become cold and watery. "you did not emilia partridge!" i shouted back, turning around and grabbing a bigger amount, throwing it right into her face.

this time neither of us ran, instead we just threw snow balls at each other's, using people who were passing as a hideout.

we both thought that it would be better to stop when millie threw a snow ball on a woman's face after i used as a wall, she was of course aiming me but she had a really bad aim. the woman whipped her face and ended up giving us a lesson.

"yeah we should go." she said, crunching her nose. i nodded and we ran away from the woman trying not to laugh.

we stopped in front of a vintage store, on the vitrine there was a few skates, hoodies and beanies. "let's go in there." i said to millie, who was wiping the snow of her legs. she nodded and we entered the shop, taking off our beanies.

i went over the skates, louis broke his last one and was using one who was clearly too tiny for him. i tried to imagine if louis was here and which one he would pick, they all had the same format but some of them had drawings at the back.

i ended up by taking the normal one, no designs, only black. i moved to the section of the beanies, holding the skateboard under my arm, louis would always steal mine and rant about how mine was comfier then his.

so i decided to get him one matching mine. i traveled my eyes through the beanies to try and find the one i had brought here a few months ago.

i came across a carhatt one, all black and the white logo. it felt a lot comfier than mine so this would suit him perfectly.

i managed to make my way to the cashier, shoving the stuff on the table. "sorry, i'm a bit in a rush." i explained to the teenager in front of me, who slowly nodded. he scanned the tag of the beanie and the skateboard, putting the beanie in a small brown bag. "35€ please." he spoke, pushing the bag to the edge of the table. i handed him the money and put away the change.

"you have everything?" millie asked, trying to see what's in the bag. "yes i do and it's a beanie, you know how much he loves mine." i explained, the girl just smiled and held the door for me since both of my hands were full.

"what's next?" i asked her, watching her eyes travel down the street. "there!" she pointed, i followed her lead, managing to not made the skateboard fall.

we came to a stop at a jewelry store, i looked at millie who was enlightened by the store. she swung opened the door, stepping in and directly going to the necklaces sections.

i leaned into the beige wall and watched the girl trying to find the perfect necklace for her mum.

then a idea came to mind, rings. i knew how much he loved rings and his made his fingers green, so why not buy some rings.

i made my way to the men's sections, narrowing my eyes through all the attractive rings.

i ended up picking three rings, i knew he would like them for sure.

millie was still searching for somethings, but she was now at the rings sections too. i took the opportunity to go and choose a necklace for her. i came across a few that i knew she would like, but only one came up to mind.

a silver necklace with a silver rose hanging, it was beautiful. i slowly opened the vitrine, taking the necklace in my hands, this was the one.

right now for her mum, i'd had seen some matching silver earrings with a silver rose too, so i thought i could get her mum that for her to match her daughter.

i took them out and brought them along with the rings and the necklace to the cashier and paid.

"what did you get?" i asked millie as we walked out of the store, holding what seemed to be like ten bags. "something." she smiled, putting her beanie on.

i smiled back, but curiosity washed over me, i tried my best to keep it inside. "and the last store is..." millie added, emphasizing the word 'is' and making dumb rolls sounds.

"tadahhhh!" she sang, moving her hands in the air.

i looked up, i didn't even had time to admire the front of the store because millie dragged me inside.

another vintage shop. millie directly went to the hoodie sections, she stole enough of her brother already. i moved along with her, searching for a hoodie that louis' dad might like.

i came across a blue navy one, 'nike' written over it. i picked it, laying in on my forearm as i walked around the store trying to find something for issie.

but then i remembered, she's been ranting to me about how she loved playing guitar but louis broke it while shoving his pencil up and down the cords, so this is a special occasion for me to buy her one.

i picked a black and white one, managed to hold it even though i was literally holding a skateboard. i brought along with it a red black jumper of her favorite band 'Nirvana' but then i came across this white and pink dress and i immediately thought of millie.

so i brought all that stuff to the cashier and paid, making sure millie was too focused on the hoodies to notice the stuff i brought for her.

christmas gifts, done.

word count - 1254

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