𝟤𝟢 | christmas

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I WATCHED MILLIE'S face lighten up as she took her necklace out, her mouth slowly forming a 'o'.

"i love it, y/n!" the girl cheered, already putting it on. she looked down at the necklace that was hanging on her neck, her eyes slowly squeezing as she smiled.

"i love you." she inquired, getting up and hugging me, it didn't took long before i hugged her back, wrapping my arms around her neck, her vanilla scent coming up my nose.

i already had opened all my gifs, except the ones from louis, of course.

liv and james offered me a trip to new york to visit my family, i can't believe how much they must have spent on that piece of paper.

issie gave me a diary, but she ripped all my birthday pages because she knows how much i hate them- she also quoted 'you won't have to worry about your birthday for five years.' along with that she also gave me a set of fuzzy socks- which by the way i totally love, a harry potter complete eight film collection because she knows how much she's been bugging me because i haven't watched them, and a note, made out of parchment paper, the borders of it were slightly burned, i'll read the letter later.

millie gave me a spa treatment because i would always rent about how louis was driving me crazy and i needed a day off, it made me laugh. along with it, there was a beautiful ring, it was silver and had a tiny diamond on the top- the funny part is that under the diamond there was a tiny rose, it was the exact one on the necklace i gave to her.

lily spent me some flowers and a book full of pictures of us, it was like watching us grow up- it was amazing.

and then, louis.

i hadn't exactly opened his gifts, but i noticed the well wrapped box sitting on his desk for awhile. so by the looks of it, it was either a hand-made gift or a blanket.

"well, we'll leave the two of you." liz gave us a warmth smile, before getting up along with issie and james and walking off to the kitchen- but millie was too distracted by the necklace. "mills!" issie hissed, the girl looked up and laughed, joining the rest of her family.

"can i start?" i asked, putting the boxes on my lap. he nodded, putting the one he had on his lap next to him hand sitting closer to me.

i gave him his skateboard first- who was not well wrapped and he could easily tell by the shape of it what it was. "hm, looks like you're giving me a soft blanket." he joked, starting to unwrap the red paper. once he had it all off, he smiled at the skateboard, then a me. "you always give the best gifts." he said, slowly putting the skateboard on the ground. "now i can do my tricks without having to worry about breaking my ankle." he added, kissing my cheek and slightly smiling.

i passed him the other one, the beanie, the famous beanie he has been waiting months for. this time i put it on a small black box, i wrote 'for my love' on top of it. he smiled at the little messages that was written down. "this just makes me fall even more for you, love." i smiled, resting my head on his shoulders. i watched him open the box, his face lightening up as he saw the beanie laying there. "you did not!" he exclaimed, taking the beanie out and placing it on his head. "i did." i cheered, softly caressing his head. "oh i love you." he inquired, quickly giving me a peak on the lips. i could see the christmas lights through the reflection of his glossy eyes, staring back at me.

"and last one." i sang, giving him a small box. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he gently moved the box around, the gently noise of metal ringing through our ears. he opened the box, peaking inside as his eyes meet the three rings. he smiled, the side of his cheeks forming pimples. he took the out, sliding each one at the time on his fingers and then showing me his hand. "there's no way i could love you more, thank you love." he quietly muttered, taking me in a long and warm hug.

he seemed to be pretty excited because the next thing i know he's putting the box on my lap, slightly smiling at me.

this was a different one, it seemed to be home made and it had tiny sentences written all over the box. i took the time to read each of them, i love him.

i bit my lip as i opened the box, i laughed like a fool as i took out each of my favorite louis' hoodies. "lou, they are your favorites too!" i remarked, hugging them, his scent filling my nose as i inhaled. "well, they're yours now darling." he smiled, kissing my forehead. i took my time to analyze each of them, they looked and smelled exactly the same as the last time i saw them laying around on louis' room. my night was made.

i put the box away, pulling my favorite blue sweater over my head as louis reached for the last box. he placed it down next to me, i moved it to my lap, analyzing the red box. "now i know it isn't much, but you clearly need it." he said right before i touched the box. curiosity washed over me as i wondered what was inside.

my fingers slowly traced down to the box, reaching the top of it as i pulled out the cover, my eyes trailing down at what seemed to be..

"a tea set."

louis smiled, trying to hold in his laughter. i laughed, his laugh quickly filling the room as i looked down at the tea set. it didn't take longer for me to hug the boy, wrapping my hands around his waist, making both of us fall backwards.

"i love you, louis partridge."

"and i love you, y/n depp."


i watched my son and y/n fall into the ground as she hugged him, happiness filing my body as i realized she may be the one for him.

"our baby is so happy, james." i muttered to my husband as he watched them with a slight smile on his face. "i haven't seen him like this in a long time." he continued, wrapping his arm over my shoulder.

"speak for yourself, he has that face everytime he beats me at mario kart." millie joked, shoving her hands in her sweatpants pockets and walking away.

word count - 1143

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