𝟣𝟤 | i'm sorry

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FOR THE last three days, i've been isolating myself, the few times i saw louis, i completely ignored him, mostly because olivia was there. in other hand, me and liam are so much closer, he's been here for me since forever.

we have a week of holidays so it's good for me, atleast i don't have to see louis or olivia more than i already do.

i was eating my first meal of the day in the couch, louis left yesterday night to go to olivia's, and since then i think it's been the best day of my week, a morning without having to hear olivia complain about my music being too loud.

i put my plate away and take a cup out of the cupboard, i fill it with water and drink it. i put in next to my plate and sit in louis' seat, staring at the floor.

"oh honey, what are you doing? it's five am." liz spoke, walking into the kitchen and sitting next to me. "is it?" i asked, i looked at the clock and it really was five am. "you've been missing dinner, do you have a specific reason?" she questioned, rubbing the back of my neck and combing my hair.

"don't worry, i'm okay." i replied, smiling. "i'll talk to you later, i have to go to work. come with me." she added, taking my hand and leading me upstairs, she slowly opened my door, revealing all the mess that i haven't cleaned yet. "we'll clean this when i get home." she said as soon as she saw my smile fading away. i nodded, smiling at her.

she pushed my bedsheets to the edge and tapped the bed, i slowly layed down and she wrapped the covers around me. "eat something, alright?" she added, sitting next to me. "will do." i continued, covering myself again. "love you." she blurted, kissing my forehead and leaving the room.

i stared at a blank space in my celling, forcing myself to fall asleep again.


i got woken up by my phone ringing, it seemed like it was going crazy. i've been sleeping for hours, i lost track of time. i grabbed my phone and the lighting made me furrow my eyebrows, i turned the luminosity lower and 'hottie is calling you' appeared on my screen. i accepted the call and shifted in my positing, setting the phone down.

"how are you, love." he asked, running a hand through his fluffy hair.

"better then ever." i joked, knowing that he did know that i wasn't doing so well.

"do you want some company from your favorite boy?" he sarcastically asked, getting up and drinking a glass of water.

"no. im independent." i hissed, with a slight smile on my face.

"i get it, you don't want me." he pouted, laying down and wiping fake tears.

"actually, i do." i added, smirking.

"i'll call you later, love you." he added, ending the call.

i put my phone down and doing another staring contact with my ceiling.

thoughts running in my head, alot of them. making me incapable to sleep, the same thoughts that had me up all night.

i shook them away, balanced my feets off my bed and went downstairs.

i held the staircase as i walked downstairs, the sun already trying to break through the windows. i layed on the couch, knowing that even if i try, i won't sleep.

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