Chapter 28: Still trapped

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Much good food here. Nice girl brings good food. But too many chains. Too many chains. I don't always like being in the dark place. But it's better than being locked up.

"Hello there, what are you doing back so soon?" the man in black asks, looking up from working at his desk.

I shrug, my gift for him behind my back.

"What is it? My wife is in bed; the baby's down for a few hours," he says, looking down at his work. He puts the dark glasses on since I'm here. I guess he doesn't wear them alone.

I walk up a little closer. What if he doesn't like my present? Like my mom he might get mad at me. I don't know why people don't like being brought things. They should like it. I love being given presents. 

"Go on, what have you got there?"

I quickly put the sack of coins on his desk then step out of what I call 'slapping range'.

"What is this—this is my bag," he frowns, shifting through the pennies.

I hang my head and take another step back. So he is mad.

"I gave this to Charon-- these are his wages---did you go and steal this from him?"

I nod my head, slowly, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"That's absolutely hilarious, he'll be livid----come here, he's coming---quick get under desk, listen------ this about to be marvelous. Excellent child I will employ you yet----Enter, Charon."

"That miscreant has been lifting my coins! Has been for weeks!" the man who doesn't like me bursts in.


"The little---thief child---you know very well whom I mean! Them's my coins! Did he give 'em to you?"

"These are next week's wages I have no idea what you're talking about Charon if you've lost the wages that you don't do anything with to begin with, then there's really nothing you can do but wait till next week," sound of him scooping the pennies into the bag.

"Robbery that's what it is—crooks the lot of you---"

"If you didn't have anything else?"

"Thems my coins. We both know it," very angry now. I shiver underneath the big black desk.

"As I said; they will be once you complete your load for the week." He lies so much it makes me happy.

"They were mine! That horrible disrespectful child too 'em! He's forever about my skiff—painting dirty things on it—stealing MY coin---"

"Well, since you're so invested in getting coin maybe you'd like the opportunity to earn it--?"

"I earned it to begin with! It was already mine! First you put me on a ridiculously low salary—"

"We've discussed your salary, Charon, and it's higher than what the shades could even give you considering none of them came with coins—"

"Yeah, well, this isn't a charity shop—"

"It literally is yeah actually they come here with nothing we care for them---"

"And that miscreant you're feeding is now stealing what little coin I have!"

"You don't actually do anything with the coin to begin with and Cronus paid you far less, in fact nothing, because he found you annoying. A sentiment I'm beginning to understand completely---now do you want these coins or not?" patting me under the desk with one gloved hand so I know he's not going to give me up. I lean away just the same. I don't like being patted.

"Yes," very angry now.

"Tell me where Nyx hid her twins and the coins are all yours."

"She told me not to give 'em up to you; she doesn't really like you," very pained.

"And we both know they're infants or near abouts after they last died in the Titan war and now they've reincarnated and no doubt she's hidden them someplace and I could use Thanatos as soon as he's grown; the other I don't care, but I know from my mother's writing Than won't come without his brother."

"You really think I'm going to give up the location of my brothers----who my mother trusts me to care for---for a bag of coins?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I think; out with it Charon," shifting the bag, temptingly.

"They're in the Underworld there are you happy? Coin?" hopefully.

"I'd guessed that much; she wouldn't leave them in the real world—where specifically?"

"Someplace safe."

"Are you------wait you don't know do you?"


"You've lost them, haven't you?"

"Lost is a really strong word to use when I just have no actual idea where they are. See this is why my work environment is so hostile, negative adjectives. You use negative adjectives—"

"How did you lose them?" exasperated.

"Than ran off didn't he? He didn't wanna listen to me or our mum so he and his brother ran off. Mum says they're still alive so Hyp put 'em to sleep someplace didn't he? Who knows where that is--- coin now please---"

"No, I'm not giving you coin for making me guess that you've actually lost your toddler brothers!"

"But them's my coin to begin with! And I did tell you---I'll file a complaint—"

"You are aware I'm in charge and therefore I read the complaints you file like they only come to me there's no point in writing them when you're complaining to me about me; about things I'm well aware you don't like about me?"

"Your missus doesn't happen to read them?"

"She likes you less than I do, and that is really saying something. And that's a no. She does not read them."

"I'd think the complaint box would be interesting what with her stuck inside with the little 'un."

"The complaint box that you acquired, labeled, put inside my foyer, and that you and only you as my only employee stuff complaints into--- you mean that complaint box?"

"Oh, that's the one then you've seen it---"

"You're two minutes away from me deducting from your wages for this week since you're clearly not working---"

"Going, going, slave driver is what you are—"


The door slams.

"It's all right, I'm surprised you stuck around for that. You okay? Hungry?" he asks, helping me out from under the desk. I'm going to bolt away but he sets me on his desk instead, making me look at his mirrored glasses. "You know you can stay here if you like."

"My---my m---my mom," I say, twisting my fingers.

"Yeah you don't want to worry her?"

I nod.

"Why'd you bring me coins? Because you come and eat inordinate amounts of food?"

I shrug. I don't know what inordinate means.

"You can come as often as you like," he says, putting a box of chocolates into my hand, "Don't eat them all at once, for once?"

I nod eagerly, then go back. Maybe the chains will be gone this time.

The chains are not gone. I yelp in annoyance. At least I have my chocolates.

"I don't know why they're not coming for you. I'm sure they will soon," the girl says, nicely. She was sitting reading a book. I clutch my chocolates. Who did they call to get me? And how angry is my mother going to be when I'm not home? I'll get out, and I'll bring her another cow. She'll like that. Everyone likes cows. 

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