wgm: three months later - fin

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"you look beautiful tonight," jihoon murmured softly, "like really, really beautiful. i didn't get a chance to tell you earlier." he avoided looking at her, the heat on his cheeks a weird contrast to the harsh chill of the night air.

tonight, despite the cold winter, was a beautiful night. it was new years, meaning they finally had the chance to see each other. of course it wasn't exactly the most intimate setting like they wanted, but finding a place not crowded with other idols was nearly impossible, the balcony being their only option as only them and two others were out there.

"thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." she responded, playfully adding, "you're shivering, but you still look hot." stifling a snort when he shot her a less than menacing glare, she moved closer so that they were elbow to elbow. draping the blanket that was around her over his shoulder, and wrapping her arm around his for extra warmth, she leaned into him.

"better?" she questioned, tilting her head up to meet his dark eyes with her own.

"you're the one in a dress. you tell me?" he retorted, referring to the tiny slip dress she was wearing despite temperatures being as low as they were. her only protection from the cold being a fluffy medium-sized blanket, with christmas themed print on it. she should've been the one that was freezing but instead he was, which was odd considering he had pants, a shirt, and a coat over his suit jacket.

she hummed, what sounded like a laugh bubbled in the back of her throat. the pair stayed in a comfortable silence, without anything else to say to each other, particularly ryun who couldn't find any words to speak, and jihoon who wanted to say something but couldn't find the words to. they remained in that pleasant atmosphere, close to one another but not too close, until the other guests left to go back inside and they were the only ones left on the balcony.

jihoon suddenly cleared his throat, "we spent our last night together just like this, didn't we?" he asked, tilting his head down to look at her.

he felt her nod against his arm.

"it was nice. we haven't had a moment like this for awhile." he commented.

"yeah, i've really missed you."

"me too." he sighed, feeling a cold breeze pass over them and his body shiver, he pulled the blanket around him tighter, "life's been so hectic. we don't get a chance to slow down and breath like this enough." he continued.

her body shivered too when the breeze passed and she followed his move, snuggling further into his arm, "mhm, you're one of the only people i feel like i can slow down and just breath with."

his breath caught at the confession. the familiar feeling of his heart speeding up and head spinning overwhelmed him. he had to tell her how he felt. it had to be tonight. there might never be another time. he couldn't be a man who did nothing, he couldn't let her slip away. one thing became clear in his mind out of all the racing thoughts, i need to tell her how i feel now!

"i really like you noona ..." he'd said aloud before he even realized it.

"i really like you too squish." she lifted head to smiled up at him.

"no," he swallowed, his voice dropping and becoming serious. he hoped he wouldn't regret this. "i really like you noona."

her pink lipstick strained lips didn't waver from their smile, "and i really like you too." she emphasized like he had.

his lips parted in surprise, "you mean..."

she giggled lightly, finding it cute he was the one acting so shocked, "be my boyfriend, jihoon-ah. i want to be your girlfriend if you'll have me."

the tips of his ears turned pink, his heart speeding up so much he was sure it would burst out of his chest, "i-i would-i mean sure-no-yes-wait! that sounded weird-no-ugh ... you know what- yes! yes, i would like to know why this happened so be your boyfriend." he managed to stutter out.

"good, i wasn't going to take no for answer anyways." she joked, giving him a playful smile and a slight wink. "now," she dramatically exclaimed, the happiness of the moment taking over, "kiss me. it's almost the new year!" she demanded, pulling back slightly from his body only to come crashing into him, her lips sealing over his.

their first kiss as an official couple was something neither would forget. from a sweet in the moment kind of thing, the kiss quickly turned into a passionate make-out secession on the balcony in below freezing weather during the turn of the new year. neither seemed to mind though as when they finally pulled back, a thiught was shared between them.

"think we can sneak out?" she asked, with every intention of bringing in the new year with a bang.

"i'll wave over our driver." they nodded in unison, before ryun slipped her hand into jihoon's and they headed toward the exit. slinking past seungcheol and the other older members, who watched them leave but chose not to comment.

"he's sooo going to hear it tomorrow." hoshi smirked, sipping his drink as he watched the pair leave.

"the walk of shame." seungcheol snickered.

this is the end of wgm! thank you
for reading! see you next update!

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