*Souls POV*
(Y/n) and I made a lot of small talk during the class, and I expected her and Tashida to hang out with us after the class ended, but they didn't.
Instead, (y/n) simply bid us goodbye before going down the opposite direction of the hallway with Tashida.
What was weird, though, was how she kept avoiding telling me what weapon she was...
{Time skip provided by Black Star}
"Father, I demand to know more about the new student here at the DWMA."
Lord Death turns away from his mirror and faces Kid, Black Star and I.
"Well hello to you too," he replies sarcastically. "Why do you wish to know more about (y/n) (s/n) and Tashida Hans? They are in your EAT class, are they not?"
Kid twists his lips and Black Star readjusts his jacket. (Y/n) and Tashida were practically the only topic at lunch, and Kid and I were frustrated at the minuet amount of information they said about themselves. Eventually Kid decided that he was going to ask his father- Lord Death- about it, and I agreed to go. Not sure why Black Star decided to come along though.
Actually, I probably do, what with (y/n) being the main topic or, 'big star' in our conversation at lunch.
"Indeed, they were," Kid replies coolly. "But they had hardly any introduction, and didn't tell us about themselves."
"Yeah, and for some reason y/n didn't feel like expressing what weapon she is," I add. {I'm gonna us y/n instead of (y/n) from now on cause (y/n) takes a lot of effort to type :P }
"Well, if you want to ask them about it now, the two are about to have a battle with Stein," Lord Death informs us.
"They're WHAT?!?"
{Time skip AGAIN}
The empty hallways echo with the sounds of Kids, Black Stars and my feet sprinting along the floors.
"They're WHAT?!?" We all shouted in chorus, though Lord Death seemed unfazed.
"They're in the courtyard about to engage in a battle with Professor Stein," Lord Death repeated himself.
Black Star erupted into a fit of hysterical laughter and we all turned to him curiously.
"Those two?! Fight Professor Stein?! HAHAHA!! He came at a close second to ME, the almighty BLACK STAR, how do two weaklings like that expect to win against him?!?"
"Black Star," I sigh. "You lost to him."
Black Star started yelling profanities at me while Lord Death continued to speak.
"I don't think you should be so quick to judge those two, Black Star," he simply said.
"But, Father, other than you, Stein is the most powerful weapon Meister this school has seen!" Kid exclaimed.
Lord Death returned to watch his mirror. "So far."
I stumble out of the doors to the DWMA and onto the courtyard. Already a large crowd of students have gathered around what I suspect is y/n, Stein, Tashida and possibly Spirit, should Stein be using a weapon. I hear no sounds indicating a fight so I assume they have not begun yet.
I run forward- Kid and Black Star following- and push through the crowd. I see Makas head at the front of the gathering and reach forward. My hand lands on her shoulder and she turns to face me.
"Right on time," she giggles. "Your girlfriends about to fight the professor."
Girlfriend?! I blush.
"Girlfriend?" I hear Kid growl a few ways behind me.
Pulling myself next to Maka, I can see what is about to take place. The students have gathered in a large circle around the fighters. Y/n and Tashida stand at one end of the circle close by, with Stein holding Spirit as a scythe standing at the other end, in a stance that shows he's prepared to fight.
As the battle is about to begin, something happens that makes the entire crowd gasp.
Tashida walks away from the fight.

Soul x Reader x Kid
FanfictionWhen Death the Kid finds you and your Meister fighting a Kishin on the streets of death city, his interest is perked. And so is yours. The next day, you attend the academy called DWMA as a personal request from Lord Death himself, and the other stud...