*Kids POV*
Walking through the school corridors I am surrounded by the murmurs of confused and curious students; Who's the new girl? Why doesn't she need a meister? Did she actually defeat Professor Stein?
Now that I think of it, It's hard to believe y/n beat professor Stein in a fight, the schools greatest meister, and as a lone weapon too! She looked so symmetrical when she was fighting, so graceful, so elegant...
She had so many different weapon forms aswell, and according to other students the ones she showed aren't all of them. Father never told me about any clans or bloodlines of weapon that accessed so many weapons of different ranges, I should ask him about it.
"Hey Kid!" I hear a newly familiar girl call out to me, and my heart begins to thump horrifically loud and shockingly fast.
"Hey, y/n," I reply, my hands shoved in my pockets casually.
I feel anything but casual right now.
Y/n is coming towards me, smiling angelically with Tashida at her side.
Tashida. He said something during the battle. What was it?
"She's amazing..." Maka murmured, and all I could do was nod in awe. It was the midst of the battle and y/n was just beginning to show her true colours.
Y/n ran at Stein for the first time since this battle began, with each of her arms the blades of swords. Stein prepared himself for her attack, but just as she was about to be defeated, she gracefully somersaulted backward, slicing at the Professors sleeves as she did so. She landed beautifully, delicately on her feet like a cat, with her sword arms outstretched and her eyes shut peacefully.
"Amazing.." Soul copied, and I glared at the back of his head.
Was it jealousy? Anger? Was I angry soul liked y/n, and jealous because he probably stood more of a chance with her?
Why should I care?
"She is, isn't she," we heard Tashida say behind us, and turned to face him. He was smirking whilst he watched y/n and Stein battle. His eyes flicked down to meet ours.
"Why aren't you fighting with her?" I asked curiously.
Tashida chuckled. "She demanded I didn't. Plus, this isn't just a casual battle between two warriors, it's a test. Y/n doesn't need me too fight with her but she does anyway. For what, I don't know. She could easily drop me and take main stage, but she doesn't. She says it's because we're stronger together, but I think it's just because she's lonely."
"Lonely?" Maka murmured, staring at Soul with sad eyes, who was watching y/n.
Tashida hummed in response, and we returned our attention to the fight, just as it was made clear y/n was going to win. Her arms transformed into maces, and the final blow was struck.
"Whatcha doin', Kid?" Tashida asks, and I shrug. Y/n laughs, and I tilt my head questioningly, but she waves me off.
"So, should- Oh wait!! I forgot, I gotta go. See you later y/n, kid," Tashida waves and walks away, leaving me and y/n alone.
I glance at y/n. She's waving goodbye to Tashida, a big smile stretched across her perfect face with absolute symmetrical balance, not a corner out of sync. Her eyes are sparkling in the hall lights, the hallway reflecting on her shining (e/c) orbs, flecks of light sparkling against the watery surface, her pupils...
Looking right at me.
I blush and quickly look away, but out of the corner of my eye I see y/n blushing also.
This is it, she must like me. I should ask her out.
No. I will ask her out.
"Um, y/n..." I begin and she looks up at me. "I..."
"Hey y/n! Kid!"
Y/n and I both turn our heads in the direction of the shout, and I sneer when I see Soul walking over to us. He's waving his arm high in the hair and is beaming a bright smile- though it's discreetly smug.
"Hey Soul!" Y/n calls back, and I mentally slap myself. She sounds so happy to see him, I bet she likes him.
But how could she?!? He's so asymmetrical!! With his hair and headband and jacket and EVERYTHING!! He's not good enough for her!!
"Hey you guys, wanna hang out after school?" Soul inquires, and I shrug in response- though when he asked he wasn't looking at me so much as he was y/n.
"That sounds really fun," y/n replies, and Soul's face lights up. "but I don't think I can today. Tashida and I just got a new flat, so we kinda have to unpack. Raincheck?"
Soul seems disappointed, but he hides it. "Yeah, cool," he grins and gives her two thumbs up. She smiles and waves goodbye before slipping into the sea of students. I glare at Soul.
"So, Kid," he mutters. I raise an eyebrow. "You like her too, huh?"
What? Like her? In what way?
Looking at Soul, I can tell what way he means. His eyes have a slight sadness in them.
My lips form into a line and I nod rigidly. Soul sighs and looks at the floor.
"Well, I guess we're gonna have to fight for her then," he mumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets and slumping his shoulders. "See you later, kid."
I don't reply as he walks away, going down a different corridor from y/n.
He's right, though. If we like y/n, there's a chance she likes one of us.
And we're going to have to fight for that chance.
Please tell me if there are any typos I can fix, Id really appreciate if my book was the best it could be!
Heheh, otaco tacout ;*

Soul x Reader x Kid
FanfictionWhen Death the Kid finds you and your Meister fighting a Kishin on the streets of death city, his interest is perked. And so is yours. The next day, you attend the academy called DWMA as a personal request from Lord Death himself, and the other stud...