Chapter 36

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{Kid's POV}

She attacked and I dodged, over and over and over again.

She swung her blades at my head, nearly chopping off a centimeter of hair. I heard the glistening silver whistle by my ear, saw them flash my own expression of shock in the reflection.

Y/n kicked out a leg, attempting to trip me up, but I bounced off her shin and spun past the blades, landing a few meters away.

Though she was fighting faster and with more power, the determination she felt was too strong, and it made her clumsy.

Soul was still breathing faintly, and there wasn't any blood so I assumed y/n had juxtaposed knocked him out. So I planned to continue dodging her attacks until Stein or father figured out a way to calm her fury.

But until they did, I was going to have to try.

"Y/n!" I called out to her. "What are you doing? Why are you so angry?"

She stopped.

She was hunched over, leaning on her massive sword arms and taking heavy, ragged breaths, her hair eyes covered in a curtain of hair.


What? What was she trying to say?

"You... How dare you..."

I stiffened. "Y/n, what's wrong... Talk to me..."

Her breath hitched.

I waited.

I trailed my eyes to Soul, who was lying on the floor, his eyes boring into mine.

For a moment, time stood still, between y/n's frozen stance, mine and Souls stares, the silence of the empty hallway...



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