[Double update cause ily guys ;P]
[P.S read the a/n at the end of this chapter it's EXCITING!!:D]{Kids POV}
"Father," I began, and he turned to face me. "I'm afraid I am still unclear about why you chose to let y/n and Tashida live with Maka and Soul instead of Liz, Patty and I."
I had gone to Death's Room after waiting hours for y/n to wake up; everyone else had left to do their own thing after about an hour, however Soul, Tashida and I had stayed by her side patiently, Soul and I leaving every so often for the bathroom or for food, whereas Tashi would not budge. Eventually, Soul convinced Tashi to get some air and some food, and I decided to interrogate father about some unanswered questions.
Father sighed and shook his head solemnly. "Kid, I'm sure you've figured out those birds were sent by the witch whose after y/n?"
I nodded.
"Well, the reason I chose Maka Albarn and Soul Eater to take in our new students was because I suspected they'd be safer there. Obviously, the mansion is bigger than their flat but it seemed dangerously obvious for y/n and Tashida to go to a humongous and well-protected house rather than a small apartment, and I figured Phiona wouldn't predict them going to the small apartment. It may seem strange, but though the mansion is very well-protected, Lady Phiona could defeat it with a mere click of her fingers, and the same goes for you."
I breathed in sharply at the last comment; witches are simple enough to kill, are they not?
"However, it is now very clear to us that Phiona is very skilled at tracking y/n and Tashida, so I am afraid I'm at a loss for where they should go now."
He shielded his head with his large hand thoughtfully.
"Stein could defend them well I am sure, though I would be scared of him dissecting them in their sleep. There are many students Tashida and y/n are not acquainted with at all yet, whose houses they would be unlikely to stay at but I do not want to risk their lives without a valid reason. I'm worried for the academy should they stay here, but even if I wasn't worried, where would they even sleep? I'm afraid the only two options remain yours or Soul and Maka's."
My heart leapt for joy, but dropped almost immediately.
"Why don't we take her, Lord Death?"
Father and I turned to see Tsubaki and Black Star suddenly in the room. When had they got there?
"That is not a bad idea. With Black Star as an assassin, physical combat would be unnecessary thanks to his skill of blending with the shadows. He could easily help y/n and Tashida escape."
"But father," I interrupted, "Black Star never manages to stay quiet more than a minute, he's so loud he'd give them away instantly."
Father cocked his head curiously. "Good point, Kid. Black Star, do you think you could keep quiet?"
Black Stars eyes lit up at the chance to impress Lord Death. "I AM THE ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR! OF COURSE I CAN KEEP QUIET, I AM THE WORLDS GREATEST ASSASSIN!!"
Father frowned. "As I suspected. Thank you for the generous offer, Tsubaki, Black Star, but Kid and his weapons are well capable of taking care of Tashida and y/n."
Tsubaki nodded kindly and turned to leave the room, a very confused looking Black Star following her.
"Hey, Tsubaki, why didn't they let us take y/n and Tashi? Was I not quiet enough?" we heard Black Star whisper before the two shut the door behind themselves. I smirked proudly.

Soul x Reader x Kid
FanfictionWhen Death the Kid finds you and your Meister fighting a Kishin on the streets of death city, his interest is perked. And so is yours. The next day, you attend the academy called DWMA as a personal request from Lord Death himself, and the other stud...