{Y/n's POV}
The impact of the unidentified enemy's blow threw me a hundred feet away, my human body nearly colliding with a brick wall, but I managed to sprout a steel shield from my spine before it shattered- which it would have, had I not reacted so fast.
I crashed through the wall and slid on concrete floor, the sides of my right limbs getting grazed from the rough flooring. Leaves flew into the air around me, twirling and whirling around in panicked pirouettes.
I didn't waste any time before I leapt back on to my feet, ready to defend myself against however the foe decided to attack next.
When I noticed the street in front of me empty, it took a moment for my instincts to kick in before I quickly dodged to the side, only avoiding the large black figure hurtling down from the sky in an attempt to crush me by a second.
What is happening? A fight shouldn't be this difficult, what the hell is this rotten thing?!?
It jerked it's, what I assumed was a head, to face where I was, and I caught a glimpse of a dead black eye. I immediately leapt at the opportunity to strike, and threw my arm forward, quickly turning it to a sword as I did so.
It successfully hit its mark, and the creature squealed and flailed in distress. In its panic, I noticed it had large black wings, and a black beak no longer hidden by its... Fur?
It lashed out a wing, and as it did a large blob of it came free and black sludge began hurtling towards me. I ducked, and it hit the wall behind me, and I thanked Death that it wasn't me that was sizzling rather than the bricks.
Now that I knew what the creature was made of, it was lucky I hadn't tried to strike its skin, or my arm may have had to pay the price.
"Maka! Soul! Where the hell are you guys?!" I yelled, keeping a good amount of distance between me and the bird thing.
"Sorry y/n!" Maka called back. She jumped out from the trees to my right and landed in front of me, wielding Soul.
"Thought we'd enjoy the show," Soul chimed in, and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh yeah? What if I'd died?" I retorted. The bird threw its wing in the air and tried to crush us with it, but we dodged to the side.
"Come on, y/n, we wouldn't of let it get that far." I could practically hear his smirk.
We dodged again.
I pouted. "Yeah, whatever."
In the next three minutes, Maka and I continued to avoid contact with the creature, and with a few carefully placed attacks we managed to knock over one of the weaker walls, crushing the creature.
Maka and I watched as the creatures gloopy flesh burned through concrete and stone. There was a flash of light as Soul returned to his original form.
"Well, that was easier than expected," I said.
"Lord Death will probably be proud of how well executed this was," Maka agreed.
Soul threw his arms behind his head and turned away from the sizzling carcass. "We did finish him off pretty quickly."
"How come there's no soul though?" Maka asked.
I twisted my lips. She was right, the creature hadn't unwound, and it's not like it was pretending to be dead, we had been standing around for nearly ten minutes, and if it wanted to kill me, it had had several chances while I was either up close inspecting the corpse or when my back was turned.
"Lord Death will probably know," I shrugged. "Let's just head back. I'm exhausted."
"You were fighting for a longer than us."
"Yeah, it was pretty cool."
I shrugged again. "Whatever. I'm tired. Tashi probably got me sick with the flu before I left, and if that thing," I nodded at the creature, "got me even sicker, then... Well I don't know what I'd do, it's already dead."
"If it got you sicker, it's lucky to be dead," Soul helped and winked at me.
"Truer words have never been spoken!"
Maka rolled her eyes. "Let's go you guys, Souls bike is just a few minutes away. Y/n, you cool to transform for the trip back?"
I nodded. "Sure. Not a problem."
"Great. Let's go!"

Soul x Reader x Kid
FanfictionWhen Death the Kid finds you and your Meister fighting a Kishin on the streets of death city, his interest is perked. And so is yours. The next day, you attend the academy called DWMA as a personal request from Lord Death himself, and the other stud...