{Y/N's POV}
As we made our way to Lord Deaths room, the echo Maka's, Souls and my footsteps reverberating throughout the long drawn- out corridor, my mind kept reeling back to the moment of that enormous creatures demise, it's tar-like flesh splattering the pavement on which it lay.
Why had it not disappeared into a kishin soul? Was Lord Death aware that it was not a kishin? Why has he sent all three of us with the intention of collecting a soul, when both Soul and I were aiming to be Lord Deaths scythe?
We stopped at his door and Maka raised her fist and assertively knocked three times.
A minute passed.
She knocked three more times.
Two minutes passed.
"Lord Death?" she called out, and looked to Soul and I for advice on what to do. Soul shrugged.
'Open it', I mouthed. She nodded.
Maka slowly slid the door open and we peered inside, careful not to bother Lord Death in case he was busy.
I choked back a gasp as I saw Lord Death and his shinigami son, Kid, standing side by side, looking through Deaths mirror.
Soul went to speak, but I instantly slapped my hand on his mouth, giving him an icy glare. He shut up.
"Well, Kid? What do you think?" Lord Death inquired, his back still turned to us.
"Why are you showing me this, father? I don't see the point in me watching y/n kill that creature, I'm meant to be 'sick' at home, right?" Kid responded.
Lord Death sighed. "Yes Kid, you are, but I need your help with something."
To that, he replied: "Alright, go on."
There was a nod from Lord Death before he continued. "Alright, so we see here y/n, Maka and Soul defeating the creature. However there is no soul, correct?"
"So, I went ahead and assumed the creature had not been killed. However,"
Maka, Soul and I waited in anticipation as Lord Death sped up the mirrors video.
He stopped and we watched as the screen continued to show the same image. A minute passed, and a woman's figure dressed in white showed up at the scene. The figure looked incredibly familiar, and I hoped, begged, pleaded that it wasn't who I thought it was.
The figure glided to the behemoths carcass, leaned down and caressed the creatures head gently. She put her hand on their waist and retrieved something from their belt.
Stepping back, she stood straight and held the object out in her hand- too far away for us three to identify- and we watched in bewilderment as the creature liquified and was sucked out from under the wall which it had been crushed under and into the object in the woman's hand. It was a mere half a minute before all the remains of the creature had been swept away, and the woman returned back the way she had came, leaving the scene of the crime as though the only action that had taken place was the wall falling in on itself.
"Well, Kid, what do you think?" Lord Death asked. He switched off the mirror and turned to face his son, and we quietly shut the door and hid in the corridor outside of his room, trying to understand what it was that we had just observed.
A long time passed with us in silence, before Maka finally spoke.
"We should go," she said. "We don't want to get caught after eavesdropping outside his office."
I nodded, turned and began walking back to the entrance of the school without any confirmation from Soul, though he and his partner did not hesitate to follow.
Thoughts were flying around in my head in an incredible panic- Why was Lord Death pretending Kid was sick? What was the creature we fought?-, but as these thoughts and questions jumped up and down in maniac desperation begging for attention, one question stuck out amongst the others.
How long do I have until Phiona comes for me?

Soul x Reader x Kid
FanficWhen Death the Kid finds you and your Meister fighting a Kishin on the streets of death city, his interest is perked. And so is yours. The next day, you attend the academy called DWMA as a personal request from Lord Death himself, and the other stud...