UUUGGGGHHH I haven't updated in AAAAGES
I'm sooooo sorry TT.TT
I'm gonna update soooo much you have no idea <(OoO)>
Crap I just remembered I've a history test tomorrow and I haven't studied and it's 22:15 whoops
Anyway, here we go!!
{Your POV}
"I doubt that," someone mumbled sadly behind me.
There were a few gasps and I spun on my heel to see who had spoken.
Just in front of the doorway stood a very depressed and awkward looking kid. They were staring at the ground uncomfortably, clutching their right arm with their left. Their hair was light pink and cut short, they had pale skin, dark eyes and they were wearing a black... dress?
It was confusing, when they first spoke, I thought it was a guy, but when I turned around the stranger simply seemed like a girl with a boyish figure.
I knew I probably shouldn't mention my confusion- I would feel slightly offended if someone mistook me for a boy, at least I assume I would. However, what if it was a boy? Judging by Blackstarlets approach to dressing like a girl, it must feel even worse for someone to think you have a vagina when you actually have a di-
"Crona!" Maka shrieked excitedly and darted past me, throwing her arms around the he/she and spinning him/her around. The he/she- Crona- seemed startled and uncomfortable with it at first, but soon warmed up to the hug and smiled slightly.
"H-hi Maka..." Crona said and pulled away. Maka clasped her hands in front of herself and smiled widely.
"I'm so glad you're back! Your mission took forever!- uh, where's Ragnarok..?" she asked.
"Ugh! Why is she here?! Crona I thought I told you we were gonna ignore her from now on?!" A high-pitched raspy voice complained before black liquid shot out of Crona and formed into a little creature attached to his back.
I shrieked and jumped back, attracting the... thing's attention. Crona sweatdropped and the creature seemed to glare at me.
"Who the hell are you?!" it screeched and snatched a tuft of Crona's hair. "Crona, who the hell is this?! I don't need another annoying person to have to deal with!!"
Crona winced in pain and flailed his- I was just gonna settle for boy- arms in the air. "Ragnarok! Ow, that hurts! Stop!"
"Hey!" I yelled and lunged forward, grabbed Ragnarok's hands and pulled them away from Crona.
Everyone froze. Crona stared straight ahead, shock and terror in his eyes. Ragnarok stared straight ahead of him aswell, his arms held in my grasp. After a moment of still silence, Ragnarok slowly jerked his head to the side to face me.
If looks could kill, I would have been six feet under right there and then.
"OW!! OWW OWW IM SORRY IM SORRY OW OW STOP HITTING ME OWWW!!!" I shrieked as I ran in circles around the room, tears streaming down my face while Ragnarok chased after me, small wings suddenly sprouting from his back as he chased me while bashing me on the head repeatedly.
"Ragnarok, stop! Let her go! Put me down!!" Crona protested angrily.
"Don't tell me what to do, you pink-headed twerp!!" Ragnarok threw back, still hitting me on the head. "I can do what I like!!"
What a great first impression, I thought.
After Soul and Maka split Ragnarok and I up, Stein wheeled in and everyone hurried to their seats. I quickly grabbed a seat at the front of the left row, and Soul and Maka soon took seats next to me; Maka sitting on the edge and Soul inbetween us.

Soul x Reader x Kid
FanfictionWhen Death the Kid finds you and your Meister fighting a Kishin on the streets of death city, his interest is perked. And so is yours. The next day, you attend the academy called DWMA as a personal request from Lord Death himself, and the other stud...