Private Angel Log Entry Nine

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*small smut warning*

Private Angel Log Entry Nine

"Almost there, maybe about an hour away." Brendon's voice called out in my head.

He had been updating me on their position ever since the rebel angels had left Heaven. I had been terrified that the archangels would fight to keep them within the fold, but apparently it had been a simple matter for them to sneak out one by one. The archangels were too distracted with whatever the fuck they were planning to take any notice until it was too late.

"They are almost here baby. You doing okay?" I gently nudged Gerard, causing him to open one eye lazily, peering up at me from his position in my lap. We had been relaxing on the couch for the past hour, having already cleaned up the house as best we could in preparation for our guests.

"Yeah - I'm doing better, I think I might be able to kick this thing soon," he smiled up at me before a yawn interrupted him.

"And you're not just lying to me because you don't want me to heal you right?" I pressed, because I knew how convincing a liar Gerard could be when he tried, and even though he did seem slightly healthier than the other day, his hands were still shaking noticeably, and there was a sheen of sweat on his brow that denied his words.

"Well...I am not perfect, that's for sure, but I'm trying, it's manageable right now at least." His face oozed honesty, and I trusted him, but that didn't mean I was going to stop worrying.

"It will get better once everyone is here, more distractions you know?" I threaded my hands through his hair as I spoke, causing him to close his eyes and hum softly.

"You are all the distraction I need," he mumbled in a content tone of voice.

"You are such a cheesy fucker, and I love it."

"Now you are starting to sound like Bob," Gerard retorted with a giggle.

"Oh god am I ever going to face him again after that parting comment," I groaned in embarrassment.

"Aww you're blushing."

"How can you tell? Your eyes are still closed."

"Because I know you so well," he smirked to himself.

"Don't laugh, or I will withhold sex from you forever," I threatened teasingly.

"You are already going to do that anyway, there is no way you are going to risk all of your angels buddies hearing how loud you get in bed," Gerard pouted sullenly.

"Oh I'm sure we can find some alone time."

"We are mostly alone right now," Gerard's eyes popped open with an eager light gleaming in them.

"Didn't you have enough last night?" I groaned in mock annoyance.

"Nope, I will never get enough of you baby," Gerard grinned, popping the p unnecessarily.

"We don't have time...and I don't want to have everyone's first impression of me since I left to be a sex maniac.

"You're no fun."

"Ugh fine, but just a quicky, and I get to top, you always take too long with all of your freaking teasing." I couldn't say no to Gerard, it was physically impossible with those damn puppy dog eyes.

"Oh honey, you know you love it when I tease you."

"I never said I didn't, but do you want to sit here arguing, or do you want to get laid?" Gerard grabbed my hand and tugged me off the couch so quickly, I got backlash as way of an answer.

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