Entry Seven: Why did I have to kiss him?

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Entry Seven: Why did I have to kiss him?

Sorry I cut my last entry so short, I was interrupted by Bob, and I haven't shown anyone this journal, so I had to shove it away quickly before he started asking questions, but now I am alone again, and I will continue where I left off.

After my sobs trailed off, Frank wiped away the few remaining tears that clung to my face.

"Hold on," he whispered as he clutched me tighter and began flapping his wings.

Clinging to his neck for dear life, I lost myself in the joy of flying in his arms. Cocooned within his embrace, I felt the world drop away, and I surrendered all my worries and fears for the time being. All too soon, the short flight ended as he alit on top of a beautiful cathedral.

"This should be more private, and no demons will think to look for you on top of a church."

"You know I could have flown myself, I do have wings of my own." I smirked at him.

"Oh...um...yeah...I guess I thought you might be too distressed to fly, and I assumed carrying you would be easier."

"I didn't mind."

"So umm...can I ask why you were crying?"

"I am sorry you had to see that."  I scuffed my foot on the ground in embarrassment.

"I am glad you called for me. You were projecting so loudly, anyone could have found you, thank god it was me."

"Thank you for coming. It's just this job...being a demon...having to watch helplessly while these poor people condemn themselves to this terrible life. I don't know how much longer I can do this, but if I stop bringing in souls, I will have to face Lucifer's wrath, and I am so scared of that happening...I am not afraid to die, but he can keep my soul alive while he torments me forever. I just need a way out, and besides death, I can't seem to think of anything. I regret killing myself...I just want to go back and redo everything. I miss my brother, and my home, and my life..."

"Oh Gerard..." Frank pulled me into his comforting arms, and I sighed against his chest, immensely grateful for the simple gesture. Already I felt a thousand times better, and I was slightly embarrassed by my outburst.

"Do you want me to take you back home so you can visit your brother? Maybe seeing him would give you some peace and help you to carry on?" Frank asked.

As I pondered the question, it suddenly hit me that if I got anywhere close to Mikey, my aura would begin to affect him, and it might cause him to do something terrible. I mean - he was already suffering from my loss, so if I were to add to that with my own powers, it could only end badly.

"No..." I shook my head sadly. "I can't turn my aura off, and if anything were to happen because of me, I couldn't bear it."

"Oh - I didn't think about that." Frank's face look so dejected, I had to say something to make him smile again.

"It was still a good idea though, thank you for suggesting it."

"Well how about this, I will go check up on him whenever I can, and report back to you on how he is doing. That way you will know that he is safe, and you won't be putting him in any danger by exposing him to your aura."

"You would really do that for me Frank?" I gushed excitedly.

"Of course, I am an angel after all, and even though I mostly just kill demons, I can try my hand at the whole guardian angel thing."

"I wish I was an angel..." I muttered softly.

"So do I...that would make everything so much easier."

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