Private Angel Log Entry Eighteen

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Private Angel Log Entry Eighteen

I hovered in the air with my sword grasped firmly in my hand, making sure to keep close to Gerard so no one could approach him without facing me.

I didn't know what to do; if I tried to run with Gerard, we would be cut down instantly, some of the demons surrounding us were carrying crossbows, and I couldn't dodge them all while flying with Gerard in my arms.

But if I stayed and fought, I would be leaving Gerard vulnerable to attack; no one was coming toward us just yet, which meant I would have to bring the fight to them, leaving Gerard exposed and weak.

I felt my stomach sink into my knees when I realized that we were well and truly fucked; even if I could fight back while protecting Gerard, there was no way I could defeat Lucifer, he was stronger than any living angel, and only his willingness to toy with us was keeping me alive right now.

There were worse ways to die though, and maybe if I kept Lucifer distracted for long enough, I could send a message to Ray, and he could help Gerard escape. It was a chance I would have to take, even though picking a fight with Lucifer would be the dumbest thing I had ever done, if it kept Gerard alive, it was worth it.

"Leave him alone Lucifer! Just take me okay? I will go willingly." Gerard's ragged voice sliced through my thoughts like a knife, and I wanted to scream in frustration at his stupid noble attempt to save me.

"Shut up Gerard," I hissed quietly, but he ignored me, like I knew he would.

"Now where would be the fun in that?" Lucifer smiled in a sickening way, and I wanted to smack the expression off his face.

"Please Frank...just let me do this for you? There is no way we are both getting out of this alive, and you know it, so this is for the best," Gerard pleaded desperately, but I couldn't live with myself if I lost Gerard now, not after we had sacrificed so much to save him.

"I'm not leaving you - just let me think! There has to be a way out of this," I growled.

"But there isn't...and that's okay Frank. You just have to let me go..."

"No! Fuck that okay? I can't do that...I'm not abandoning you just to save my own ass, because I am nothing without you. I don't want to be alive if you aren't with me, so if it kills me, I will find a way to save you," I retorted angrily.

"Lover's quarrels are always so much fun to witness," Lucifer commented haughtily. For a second there, I had almost forgotten we had an audience, I had been so caught up in changing Gerard's mind, I had blocked out everything else.

"I swear - I will come with you if you leave Frank alone...I won't try to escape, or run, or anything." Gerard tried again, but Lucifer only laughed loudly.

"But I already have you Gerard, it doesn't matter that you managed to slip my grasp for the moment. I will always find you again, so I gain nothing in this pathetic attempt at bartering." Gerard's face fell, and I could pinpoint the exact moment when he gave up completely, and it broke my heart to have to witness that.

"What the hell is your problem with us anyway? We weren't bothering you! Why couldn't you have just left us alone?" I retorted bitterly, not really expecting any answer, but the more time Lucifer spent talking to us, the longer he kept us both alive.

"You took something that belonged to me, and that alone is unforgivable. I was willingly to let that slide though, I am a very busy man after all, and I can't chase after every wayward demon that escapes, but you just had to take it a step further. When you stole my supply of Livian, you sealed your fate, and there is no escaping me now." He was right, there really was no way out, and I wasn't willing to ask my friends for help, no one could defeat Lucifer, and I didn't want anyone else to die for me today.

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