Entry Sixteen: A bitter pill to swallow

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Entry Sixteen: A bitter pill to swallow

We stopped for the night in a sheltered cave, which was the best we could find for sleeping quarters. Frank assured us that there was an abandoned hunting lodge farther ahead, but I hadn't wanted to push Mikey any more today than we already had.

He had seemed slightly better after he rested, and the remainder of the flight had gone smoothly, but I was still worried. His fever hadn't broken, and he had refused all offers of food. At the moment, he was sleeping peacefully, which is what I should be doing, but I couldn't calm my mind, even though my body was exhausted.

I crawled over to where Frank sat near the entrance of the cave, wrapping a blanket around myself for warmth. He had volunteered to take first watch, but I might as well keep him company since I couldn't sleep.

He smiled as I approached, and I felt my own face break into a grin. I was still in awe over the fact that this perfect man loved me, I didn't think I would ever be able to think those words without an accompanying rush of warmth filling my body.

"Hey baby," he wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled closer to him.

"Is Mikey okay?" he asked.

"I am not sure...he seems a little better, but this whole sickness thing has me anxious."

"I know...hopefully it will pass quickly. What about you? Are your injuries healed?"

"Mhmm. They are just scars now. How are you holding up?"

"Fine actually, but you should be resting," Frank teased.

"I know, but how I am supposed to do that with you distracting me?" I smirked.

"I am just sitting here!" he exclaimed in mock protest.

"Exactly." I winked at him cheekily, which elicited a giggle from him.

We stayed silent for a few more moments, and I enjoyed the simple pleasure of the quiet night. Times like this were rare, and I soaked them up like a sponge.

"Tell me about your old life Frankie. I want to know what you were like before you became an angel."

"Hmm...well there really isn't much to tell. I lived a pretty normal life. I had loving parents and I was an only child, I always wanted a younger brother or sister actually. Seeing the bond you and Mikey have reminded me of that."

"They can be a pain in the ass sometimes," I joked.

"I am sure that is true, but I always felt like I was missing out. Anyway, I went to a private school, and I didn't have many friends when I was younger. It wasn't until I went to college that I began to come into my own. I joined a band called Pencey Prep, and it was the most exhilarating experience in the world. I always loved music, and being able to play it live was a dream come true."

"Oh wow - what did you play?"

"Guitar. I still pull it out every now and then, but I am not that good anymore."

"Oh shut up, I am sure you are amazing." I nudged him softly with my shoulder, and he grinned down at me.

"Well I will have to play for you sometime...if I can ever find an instrument that is."

"Definitely. Keep going baby, I want to hear more." I laid my head in his lap and he began to play with my hair absentmindedly.

"Well okay. Our band was doing pretty well, and I meet my girlfriend Jamia at a show. I loved her so much, and it seemed like everything was going wonderfully for me."

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