Private Angel Log Entry Sixteen

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Private Angel Log Entry Sixteen

Everywhere I looked, it was only blood and sand and death. Demons lay wounded and dying across the battlefield, with only a few fallen angels here and there, the dead having already evaporated into the air, causing a golden sheen to hang around us as we flew.

I tried to return to the original position I had first seen Gerard in, but everything was in chaos now, and I wasn't even sure if I was heading in the right direction or not anymore. I had made the mistake of losing sight of him earlier when Patrick had fallen, and now I had no idea where he was. He wouldn't have been able to run, he had been chained to the cart from what I could tell, but someone might have removed him from the area.

As I continued my search, I kept an eye out for my friends. Bob had managed to rally most of his demons back into some sort of formation, and they were doing their best to hold their line as they slowly retreated away from the most heated parts of the battle. It was too dangerous for them to take to the air and flee immediately, archers on both sides were picking people off left and right, and a mass group would be an easy target right now.

I caught sight of Ray and Mikey fighting back to back against a horde of demons as they tried to reconvene with the main group. Swooping lower to the ground, I beheaded three of their attackers, allowing them to take out the rest with little resistance.

They waved their swords toward me in thanks, and I returned the gesture before darting off again, scanning everywhere my eyes could reach in search of my demon.

"Fuck - this isn't going to work!" I shouted out in frustration, twisting around to see if either Billie or Brendon had been having better luck spotting Gerard.

"Where's Brendon?" I asked warily when I noticed that only Billie was hovering behind me.

"Uh...he took off. He's worried that the fighting is spilling too close to where Ryan is hiding, so he wanted to go make sure he was all right," Billie yelled to be heard over the sound of clashing swords and the screams of the dying.

"Fuck! He shouldn't have gone alone..." I alit on a quiet sand dune, trying to decide what to do now that finding Gerard was proving harder than I thought. From this vantage point, I could see the entire battle spilling out in front of my eyes. It was mostly isolated pockets of conflict, but in the center, I could see Lucifer and Oliver getting their troops in order, and I realized that the true clash hadn't even happened yet.

" have to tell me. I know you don't want to, but I need to know...does Brendon die today?" I couldn't lose anyone else when I might be able to do something about it.

"No...his aura is the same as always, but that doesn't mean that Ryan won't. I can't tell with humans," Billie whispered softly.

"So does that mean Brendon is safe?" I pressed him, because I had to do everything in my power to keep everyone alive.

"Well -, not exactly. His aura could change at any time. If Ryan dies, his entire emotional structure would crumble, reshaping his fated death, not to mention that he could simply throw himself into the battle and try to die. It's not set in stone...I'm sorry - it's hard to explain," Billie rattled out quickly, still trying to catch his breath from our extended flight.

I wasted precious seconds debating on what to do. Gerard had been the whole reason for this entire debacle, and I knew my friends and allies wouldn't vacate the battlefield until I found him, but I had no idea where he was, and I wasn't sure how much longer it would take to locate him.

On the other hand, I knew where Brendon was right now, and if something happened to him or Ryan while I searched for Gerard, I would never forgive myself, but if they were both fine, and I missed out on my chance to save Gerard, that would actually kill me.

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