So this is goodbye for now

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I am really so emotional over ending this story, it was the first thing I wrote that I was really proud of, and even though I am not one hundred percent happy with this, I really do love how it turned out. I had no idea where I was going when I first started this, and now it is fifty chapters long, and I have a whole sequel planned to boot.

If you haven't been reading my author's notes, yes there is most definitely going to be a sequel. I haven't planned out the title for it yet (so if anyone has any suggestions, I am totally open to them), but when I do think of something, I will post an introduction for it.

I am not going to start writing on it quite yet, I want to go back and read through this, and I need to write down all the rules I made up so I don't get confused, I also want to edit this thoroughly because I never did that. So if any of you notice any glaring mistakes or spelling errors, please point them out to me, that would be a major help in the editing process.

A few people have asked me if the sequel will just be following Gerard and Frank as humans now, and it won't. It may start that way at first, but they will end up as an angel and a demon again, I just don't want to spoil anything else. They still have the whole seventh prophecy to worry about, remember.

I also decided I am going to write the sequel in third person. I am trying to get away from first person writing, and I want to delve into the other characters a bit more, so I don't want to have to mess with all the POV changes.

Probably give me about a month before I start working on it consistently, because I really need to update Pyre and Like Ghost in the Snow (which you should totally check out if you haven't already) and I am going to be starting a new fic soon, thanks to rosielovesmcr for convincing me to do it. It's going to be a teacher/student Frerard, so keep your eye out for that. I should be posting that within the next week or so.

I am really excited about everything I have coming up, and I hope you guys will follow me with my other stories.

Anyway, onto the thank you's. I am going to try to keep this short, because I know how tedious these are, but I just have to do it, because all of you guys have been so amazing this entire time.

My main bae's who I wouldn't have been able to finish this story without:





These people are all amazing human beings, and they are so supportive and loving, and you really need to go follow them because they make this world a better place just by existing, and I love them all to pieces. They also make my day with their votes and comments, and I am so glad that I have them in my life. So thank you all, you seriously mean so much to me.

Now onto the people who I don't know as well, but I really would like to, and the fact that you read this story means the world to me.

ThatIsWildPatrick: Your comments always make me smile, and you are basically the queen (or king) of references.

Atomic_Mercy: You have been reading this pretty much for the beginning, and I can't explain how happy it made me that you read my stuff, even back when I had like ten followers and no one else did.

motherpanic: Even though you just recently started reading this, and it will probably be ages before you see this note, I fangirled so hard when I saw you were reading this, because you are one of my favorite authors.

xoCrashFire: I am not sure if you are still reading this, but if you see this, thank you so much for giving me a huge self-esteem boost by checking out this story. You were one of the first people I followed on this site, and you are amazing.

kawaiibroccoli: Your comments always made me laugh so much, and I love how into this story you got. You were always one of the first people to comment, and I read every one.

totalitarian: You are freaking amazing okay, and I love the fact that you read and comment on everything I write. I love you and I hope I get to know you more soon.

GDB123: I love the fact that you binge read this story, and even though you hate waiting for updates, you put up with me and stuck around, so thanks so much.

SPNLoneWolfLOKI: I love the fact that you understood all of my supernatural references, and sometimes you caught things I didn't even notice. Thank you so much for all of your comments.

mcrfancentural: Thank you for getting so into this story, and always questioning me on certain things, it really helped me make sure I didn't slip up on the rules I made up for this world, and I love the fact that you paid that much attention.

Okay I am repeating myself really badly now, so I am going to just list the rest:











And I know there is a ton more that I am missing, but I can't remember all of them of the top of my head, so if I missed you, I still love you to pieces, and I seriously appreciate every single person that read, voted, and commented on this story.

I can't say thank you enough, and I hope you are all as excited for the sequel as I am. Remember to send me suggestions for a title if you have any, I am trying to stay away from song lyrics, because I use those way to much haha, but anything else is fair game.

And remember, always feel free to hit me up if you want to talk, or if you have any questions about any of my fics. I don't bite, and I love getting to know you all better.

Okay I am going now, so kudos to you guys for making it through the longest author's note ever.

<3 starr

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