Entry Twelve: Just let me die

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Entry Twelve: Just let me die

I don't have a strong recollection of the next few days, I faded in and out of consciousness sporadically, and I couldn't tell you what truly happened, and what was just a figment of my pain eroded mind, but for posterities sake, I will record what I do remember.

"Mikey - we have to go! I took care of this demon, but others won't be far behind. It's not safe here."

Frank's angelic voice broke through the haze that surrounded my thoughts, and I struggled to surface from my helpless state so I could tell him how much I missed him. Apparently my ears were my only working appendage though, none of my other limbs responded to my brains commands.

"You can't move him, he's hurt! You are just going to make it worse! I won't let you touch him!"

"I know...believe me, if there was any way we could stay, I would wait until he is healed, but we can't risk it. I would never do anything to put your brother in danger...you need to trust me on this."

I could sense Mikey's internal struggle, and I understood where he was coming from. He didn't know Frank at all, and if I was in his position, I wouldn't want a stranger touching my wounded brother either...but Frank was right; we needed to change locations quickly before more demons were drawn to the scent of blood. I could smell smoke close by, and I knew that Frank had killed our attacker and was burning his corpse to hide the evidence.

"Fine..." Mikey acquiesced reluctantly.

"Thank you for trusting me. I promise you I will do everything I can to ease his suffering as soon as possible."

"But Frank...that demon said something about Gerard not being able to heal...he said he coated his claws in some substance that would make it impossible for him to mend. Does that mean he is going to die?"

"No...he isn't going to die, but that does change things. We still need to leave though, I will explain more later."

The familiar scent of rain and sunshine surrounded me, and I felt a strong pair of arms envelope my wounded body. Even though I could tell Frank was trying to be gentle, I couldn't stop a whimper of pain from escaping my cracked lips. Soft fingers stroked my face, and I felt something wet fall onto my cheek...Frank was crying for me. I pushed away the wave of fiery agony and tried to enjoy the sensation of being held by my angel.

"Oh Gee..." he whispered softly, and I cringed at the utter desolation in his tone. I tried to respond, but I didn't seem to have full control over my body.

"This is going to hurt baby...but I have to get you away from here. Please forgive me." With those words, he hefted me up from the ground, and I heard his wings snap open.

"Stay close." I assumed he was talking to Mikey, but being moved had renewed my agony, and I sank back down, seeking relief in oblivion.


A brisk breeze blew my matted hair out of my face, and it was a relief to smell fresh air instead of the scent of blood. I couldn't seem to open my eyes, but I knew we were flying, the beat of wings filled my ears, and I was still wrapped safety in Frank's embrace.

I desperately wanted to see his beautiful face, but try as I might, my lids remained closed. He was muttering to himself softly, and I strained to catch the words before they were pulled away by the rushing wind.

"I am so sorry...I should have been there sooner...this is all my fault."

His words pierced my heart, and I cursed my malfunctioning body that wouldn't let me comfort the man I loved. How could he possibly blame himself for this, if anything, it was my fault for being so weak that I couldn't even defend myself. My breath hitched in my chest, and the salt from my tears burned my unhealed wounds.

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