Private Angel Log Entry Twenty-Two

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Private Angel Log Entry Twenty-Two

" much as I don't want to, I think I need to get back to my boys," Bob announced, his voice sounding abnormally loud compared to the tranquil silence we had previously been cocooned in.

When I glanced skyward, I saw that night was falling already, and I knew that we would have to leave soon too. I was reluctant to move though, and it showed in my actions as I slowly dragged myself to my feet. I had been sitting next to Gerard's grave for some time now, gazing down at his still face as silent tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Don't be a stranger okay?" I clasped Bob's hand in mind as I spoke.

"I won't. Once we all get settled down again, I'll pop in for a visit. Maybe you archangels could find some work for us to do. We will probably get fucking bored without all this angel drama anyway," Bob chuckled quietly.

"I'm sure we will find plenty of stuff to keep you busy." His idea was a good one; having demons willing to work with Heaven was something that I wouldn't turn down, and I was sure the others would feel the same way.

"Heal up okay...and stay safe," Bob chided me gently.

"I will, and the same goes to you."

Bob said his goodbyes to the rest of our small group before winging off into the rapidly darkening sky, pausing for a moment to wave one last time. I was sad to see him go, he had become a good friend in the short time I had known him, but I knew we would meet again, hopefully sooner rather than later.

"We should probably head out soon too..." Ray said once Bob was completely out of sight.

"I need to stop off at the safe house first, I left the book of prophecies there, and I want to return it to Heaven," Billie added on.

"I need to go too, everything I have is there..." I agreed with Billie.

"I'll come with you guys, you will probably need some help carrying everything," Brendon chimed in.

"I think I'll take Mikey to Heaven, we will let everyone know where you went, and I need to start showing him the ropes of being an angel," Ray smiled down at Mikey, who nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, we will see you guys soon." Brendon pulled them both in for a quick hug before they took off as well.

"Why don't you want to go back to Heaven Brendon? We aren't bringing much back, and Ryan is probably there waiting for you already," Billie Joe asked in a concerned tone of voice. I hadn't thought about that until just now, but Billie was right; if I were Brendon, and my love was somewhere else, I would be eager to return to them.

"I's just...I don't know. I'm scared I guess, because even though Ryan is there, it's not the Ryan I know. People change when they become angels..."

"He's still Ryan though, and he still loves you," Billie protested, a slightly confused expression on his face.

"But what if he doesn't? I am nothing like the person I was before I died. What if he doesn't want me like he did before?" Brendon's voice had taken on a despairing tone, and I didn't know what to say to comfort him.

"You are being ridiculous. You still loved Ryan after you died right? So he will too, and if by some chance he doesn't, you will never know until you face him," Billie retorted back.

"Well I -"

"Think about it Brendon, he is probably scared, and alone, and looking for you, and don't forget, he has no idea if you are still alive, so if I were you, I would go to him right now before he assumes the worst." Billie Joe was right, and I could tell that Brendon knew it.

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