Entry Twenty: Return to Hell

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Entry Twenty: Return to Hell

Standing in front of the portal to Hell was a nasty shock to my senses, because even though I had been preparing for this moment all week, only now was it starting to actual hit me; the enormity of the task I was about to attempt threatened to crush me with its weight.

I guess I had just been pretending this wasn't happening, like when your receive bad news - say your parents are getting divorced, and you just keep living life like nothing had changed, even though everything had. You think it would have sunk in when I was forging all the necessary documents, or when I was packing, but I had just continued on in a state of forced happiness for Frank and Mikey's sake.

I was so dead set on reaching this point, I didn't let myself stop and think about how afraid I was, or how little chance I had of coming back. I didn't want to worry Frank anymore than he already was, every night he cried himself to sleep, and it was destroying me that I was the cause of his sorrows. I wanted to comfort him, but how could I when I was the one making him feel that way?

I didn't even say goodbye to him, not properly, I just left with him with a kiss and a promise to see him later. I hate goodbyes, so I refused to let this be one, but now I was seriously regretting that decision, since it might have been the last time I will ever see Frank again.

But I promised him I would do everything in my power to make it back to him safety, so I might as well get this over with so I can hold him in my arms that much quicker. The two people I love most in the world were depending on me to return, and I refused to let them down.

Tugging the hood of my cloak further down over my face, I threw myself into the portal before I had a chance to second guess this whole idiotic plan. The trip was harsher than I remembered, as if even Hell itself was trying to reject me - telling me to turn back now before it was too late.

But it was already way too late, because I had arrived, and the gate guards were eyeing me up and down with bored expressions plastered on their faces. Keeping my eyes peeled straight ahead, and hoping my face was mostly obscured, I approached them warily, trying to radiate a sense of belonging that I definitely wasn't feeling.

"Documents?" The taller of the two held out his hand, and I placed the paper I had worked so hard on in his palm, praying that the forgery worked, because if this all went to shit within the first two minutes, I was going to be seriously pissed.

As he glanced over the papers that would decide my fate, I tried my hardest to control my breathing; I couldn't appear nervous, because elite demons were never nervous in any situation, unless they were in front of Lucifer, and if I was pretending to be one, I would have to act like one.

"Here you go. How was the trip?" I had to hold in my sigh of relief when the demon handed me the papers back without a second glance. I silently thanked my troubled teenage self who had specialized in copying my parent's signatures to get out of trouble, I knew it would pay off one day.

"I don't have time for small talk. I need to report back to Lucifer immediately," I scoffed, attempting to lower my voice and appear threatening, even though inside, I was a quivering mess of fear.

"Damn - do all elite demons have a permanent stick up their ass?" I heard the shorter guard ask the other as I stalked away towards Lucifer's palace, even though I was going to change directions as soon as I was out of their line of vision.

"I've only been here a week, but yeah - it seems like it," was the other's reply, and I thanked my lucky stars that I had been fortunate enough to run into two brand new demons who didn't seem to be the brightest in the bunch.

Step one of my shaky plan had been a success, now I just needed to find Bob and pray that he would be willing to help me one last time. I had debated long and hard about dragging him into this, but in the end, I didn't really see any other option that wouldn't end in me getting killed, so as much as I didn't want to endanger Bob, I had to take the risk.

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