3: Alexander

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"We haven't done this in ages," I complain, because we haven't and it's something I've thoroughly missed. I push Starley up against the closest wall and grab her by her neck. I put my other hand on the side of her face. I lean in to kiss her and I feel her kiss me right back. I push my body against hers which is against a wall. I keep kissing her, open mouthed.
She begins to talk but I drown out her voice by kissing her more. She's kissing me back, but I can tell my plan is working. I'm pulling her body's fibres apart with each kiss I give her. I'm proving that she's mine and only mine. I don't know who I'm proving it to, but I'm certainly proving it to her, whether I meant to or not. I move my kisses down to her neck and I hear her breathing is uneven as I leave her lips.
"Holey sh*t, Alex," she half says, half moans. Her whole body is shaking. But it's a good shaking. I can tell.
"It's okay, babygirl," I say, my voice hoarse from all of the kissing, "it's okay." She puts her arms around my waist, still shaking and I wrap my arms around her as well. She's shaking so much. Secretly, I'm proud that I've had this effect on her. She takes her arms away from my waist and puts one hand on the side of my face, the other behind my head. Then she leans in to kiss me. But it's gentle, not full-on making out like I just gave her. She opens her mouth slightly, but she only does it to gently grab my bottom lip. Then she breaks away from me.
"Starley, f*ck it. Please. There's... there's no other way for me now. There was a way before Weedy gave me this ridiculous spell that gave me a tail, but now I'm just... just... f*cking hopeless and you're the only person who can help me with all... all this," I say, gesturing to my nearly adult body, but accentuating where the top half of my legs would be if I was a human, "and this," I add, tapping my temple; all those inappropriate thoughts I have about Starley, all the dirty, unholy things I want to do to her. My statements seem to reach her brain and I watch her try to suppress a smile. I wonder why she's smiling. Is she happy that it's only her that can help me? Is she happy that I've opened up to her? Is she happy because she just understood a really mature human concept? She answers it, but I haven't asked the questions out loud. Last time I checked, she wasn't a Telepath.
"All of those things, Alex. All of them. I'm happy that it's only me who can help you; I'm happy because you've opened up to me; and for once, I actually understood something you said about your world without having to ask you!" She's so cute. She's actually the cutest person alive. She's so happy because she understood that. Of all things she understood that. She understood a statement I made about me jerking off. What have I done? What have I taught her for her to be able to understand that?
"Also," she says, "I gained all of the Government's talents after that initiation." I nod in response, but then I can't say anything else. Starley throws herself at me, pushing her lips against mine. She starts making out with me, one of her hands at the top of my neck and one of her hands behind my head, pushing me into her more. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me, pressing my body against hers. She breaks away slightly to try and get her breath back, but I don't let her. This time it's me that leans in to make out with her. She's out of breath, I know she is; but I don't stop gripping her waist to pull her closer and keep her close to my body. When I feel like I've restricted her breathing enough I let her go and she moves away from me, panting.
"Sh*t sorry baby. I didn't think it was that bad," I say. She leans against the wall behind her and tries to get her breath back. Again, she's shaking, but the focus is more on her loss of breath. After about a minute she seems to be okay again.
"I had no idea you could do that," she breathes. I go towards her and open my arms. She swims inside them and wraps her arms around my waist. She lays her head on my chest and I can feel her small figure rising and falling against me in her deep breaths.
"I'm sorry, Starley," I say. I didn't think it was that bad. In response to my apology, she nuzzles her head further into my chest, or at least tries to.
I love you so much, babygirl. You're so cute and stubborn and apologetic, and I love it. If I lose you, I lose everything. I'm hoping that your new job doesn't get between us. You're so special to me and I can tell I'm special to you in the way you smiled at me during your speech. I'm so proud of you; you didn't want to take the job because it would get in the way of our relationship, but we are so much stronger than an opportunity you were given. You're going to rock this new job like there's no tomorrow, and I'll be with you every step of the way. I love you.
I can tell by the way she looks up at me and smiles that she's heard all of those thoughts. She nuzzles back into my chest, smiling and whispers, "I love you too Alex."

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