9: Starley

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I was stuck in a room in Lilliana's hospital at Government house for one whole week. The opening of the Scout School had to get postponed until my release date; I had to abandon all the Government meetings that were called, even though my symbol glowed along with everyone else's; and half the day I didn't have anyone in the room with me and it got very boring, very quickly with all the white and silence surrounding me.

I felt like I was the criminal, stuck in a tiny room with not really any company. But no, I'm actually the victim, along with a few others in rooms beside mine. My arm still hurt but it wasn't as bad as when it had first happened. The lightning zaps have slowed to about one per two minutes instead of per few seconds. I had told Alex to go out and explore Oceanum Villa, instead of sitting by my bed every day but I'm beginning to regret that decision. He'd usually come in the afternoon to visit me, but it wasn't enough time to cure my boredom the rest of the day.

Right now, I'm lying in the bed in the middle of the room looking up at the boring ceiling, trying to count how many shades of white were up there. So far I counted one. I wanted out. I could do everything society would expect me to do. I'd just have to do it with a bandage covering majority of my arm. I was fine with that but everyone else like Binah, Lilliana, Bubbles, my dad and even Alex didn't want their Scout-Keeper to look 'weak'. But she looked weak already, she had been absent from the city for a whole week. To me, that just screamed 'weak'. I wanted to be stronger, be able to go about my daily jobs. Who actually would give two sh*ts if I've got a bandage on my arm? I wouldn't. Basically, I was mad at everyone who told me to stay in the f*cking bed, which was pretty much everyone who'd seen me over the past few days.

Knock Knock! That would be Alex, I think and I instinctively turn my wrist over to look at the time on my digital screen. But it's covered by the bandage, and even then I remember the wound went straight through it, cracking the screen and the black lightning making it short circuit.
"Come in," I say and I watch the door swing open. It is Alex, I was right.
"How you going?" he asks and I shrug. "Not good?"
"If you're asking about my arm; it feels fine, the same as it has for the past four days. Me in general? Yeah, I'm not good because no one's letting me out of this room!" I snap.
"Baby, calm down. It's going to be okay," he says, surprised by my sudden outburst.
"No, it's not going to be okay," I cry. Alex moves towards the bed and sits on it. I collapse into his arms which wrap tightly around me. "Alex, I've been in here for a whole week! At this point I don't think Binah will ever let me out. I'm sick of the white everything! All I look at everyday is white! And there's no window here. It's in the middle of the building!" I burst into tears and Alex pulls me closer. I hear his heart beating in his chest and somehow it calms me. His hand comfortingly rubs on my back. I take a few deep breaths in and out and I feel myself relax into his body.
"It will be okay baby. I can come and visit more often if you want me to. Maybe I could talk to Binah about releasing you earlier?" I shrug.
"I don't know, Alex. Maybe Binah knows what she's doing? Maybe it's best to follow her advice? The only thing I know is that I am so sick of this room," I say.
"Maybe I could bring some of your items from your bedroom to decorate this room?" He proposes. I nod.
"Thank you, that's a good idea," I say. "And could you maybe visit me more often? I know I said you didn't have to, but I just... I didn't think it was going to be this boring that's all."
"That's okay, Starley. I understand. I'll bring some decorations for your room and I'll visit you more often. How does that sound?" I look up at him, smile and nod. He smiles back. Then he pushes me away from him and my smile fades.
"Move over," he says. "Let's cuddle for a bit." My smile resurfaces, and I willingly move over for him. He sits in the bed with me and I lie back on him, my head on his chest again. He runs his fingers through my hair and around my waist. His heartbeat is echoing through my ears and it calms me enough to be able to close my eyes and fall asleep. Alex's hands are affectionally woven into my hair, butterflies flying around my stomach at a million miles an hour, just like every time he's with me and my heart falling further in love with my favourite person in the world; merfolk included. I love you so much, Alexander Stonal.

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