8: Alexander

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"We needed some more alone time. We haven't properly seen each other for days," Starley says and I instantly know what she's getting at. I move closer to her, smiling and excited for whatever she wants to do. I sit down on the bed, facing away from her and lie back to put my head on her chest. She runs her fingers through my hair and I feel the butterflies instantly enter my stomach, just like every other time I'm with her. I close my eyes, listening to the relaxing beat of her heart.
"Starley," I say, getting her attention.
"Yes, Alex," she replies.
"I was so scared for you. I still am scared for you. This job is so dangerous. What if... what if... you die really young like your mum? Like Coral? I don't want that for you, Princess." She leans down and kisses me on my forehead.
"Baby," she says, "I don't want me to die either, but I'm doing this for you and I, for Coral and for mum. You're all proud of me, I know you are. I'll try hard not to get hurt again, just for you, okay?"
In response, I look up at her, twisting my body to do so.
"C'mon Alex," she says, pushing me off her.
"What? We're done?" I ask, kind of upset, I wanted longer with my girl.
"No, not at all," she says, getting up from the bed. "It's just easier to do this now standing up, because we don't have legs anymore."

She waits expectantly for me, watching a wall. I wait beside her.
"Do you want to?" she asks, nervously, and I think she's worried I'll say no.
"Yes, but do you want to? You're injured babygirl."
"Yes, I want to, please," she half says, half begs.
"Alright, if it starts hurting, let me know and I'll stop," I say, anxious for her arm and she nods in response.
"Alex, it hurts anyway, did you see how big it was? This will probably just take my mind off it. I love doing this with you."
I reach my arms out and grab her by her waist to pull her closer to me. She reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck.
"I love you," I whisper, before going in to kiss her. I don't give her time to respond to me, I just kiss her, but she doesn't argue and willingly kisses me back. I move my right hand to her neck and use it to keep her in towards me. I kiss her more; deeply and open-mouthed. I can feel her small body smiling and shaking against mine, but I know she loves it which is why I keep doing it. I love her so much and she does this perfectly. She's turning me on so much, making my constant horny feeling that I can't do anything about anymore, even more prominent. All because of her. I don't get this turned on by anyone else. It's only her.
"F*ck," I moan, only breaking away slightly to say one word. She moves one hand behind my head and one on my neck. She breaks away at this point and instead of her, it's me who's ridiculously out of breath. I take a few deep breaths. She's watching me fascinated.
"What is it?" I ask her, she's smiling at me weird.
"I did that, I made you lose your breath Alex. Are you proud of me? I've never done that before," she says. She's so cute. She is so cute. I love her so much. She's so excited because she made me lose my breath while making out with her.
"Yes, I'm proud of you, gorgeous. I'm always proud of you," I respond, my voice husky and still out-of-breath. She does this so well.
"Baby," she says, and I look at her sparkly blue eyes expectantly, "handsome as hell. You make me feel things that I didn't think I could ever or would ever feel. You make me a better person, Alex. I'm so grateful to have you, you make me so happy. I love you."
I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into a hug. She hugs me back.
"I love you too," I say, though it's a bit muffled through her neck. Then I start kissing her along her neck and I feel her back arch and her body move closer to me as I move along her jawline back to her lips.
Knock Knock!
We instantly break apart and look at each other, scared for our lives. I wanted more and I can't tell by the look in her eyes that she does too.
"Come in," she answers, swimming away from me. Lilliana, olive skinned and ombré haired enters the room.
"Starley, what are you doing out of bed?" she asks, incredulously.
"I... uhh... I just..."
"C'mon, we'll get you back into bed," says Lilliana, ushering Starley to get back into the bed. Starley looks at me over her shoulder, upset to have had our intimate moment cut so short.
We'll do it again baby, I promise.

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