14: Starley

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Alex's thumb kept rubbing over my hand trying to calm my racing thoughts.
Daddy lied.
My mum had to have a trial and application.
She used an illegal spell.
I look at him and his green eyes are already looking at me. I try to smile at him, but it's wobbly and I can tell by the look on his face. He squeezes my hand, pulling it into his more. My already tiny hand disappears even more. I swallow, something I hadn't done in the past few minutes.
"You okay?" he asks. Slowly I nod and try to smile at him again.
"Yes, I'm okay. Just confused and scared of why Fate wants me to understand all this."
"I'll come wherever you want me to go to help you figure this out. I love you and I hate seeing you like this. It's going to be okay," he says, getting up from the floor and opening his arms. I get up too and wrap my arms around his neck. His arms wrap securely around my waist and I feel him pull me closer to his body. I love him so much. He's so respectful, sweet and kind towards me. He's so damn attractive and he's all mine. I'm not usually that selfish, but when it comes to Alex, I am. I'm his girl and every second of every day I want to remind him which is why we both snuck into the Records Room together. I stretch my Telepathic magic out over his mind, just to see what he's thinking. I smile instantly when I hear his thoughts; they're all about me.
I love her so much. She's so kind and caring towards me and everyone. She's so beautiful, her curly hair, hourglass body shape and pale skin is just truly gorgeous. She's all mine. She's my girl and every second of every day I was to remind her that.
"I love you Alex," I say, removing my magic from his head.
"I love you too," he says, breaking away from me in the hug to smile at me.
"Now what do we do?" I ask him.
"What do you want to do?"
His question really makes me think. What do I want? I want to have work get back to normal for me as soon as possible, even though I was out of hospital Binah had still limited my workload; I want to marry Alex and have a family with him; I want to sort this vision thing out with Piper and Daddy and make sure they're not mad at me; but more than all of that I want Mummy. Her presence, warmth, love, happiness, knowledge and loyalty. I want her here with me now, meeting my boyfriend and will-be-husband and helping me solve this thing. I could ask her questions about her life instead of reading her red-inked file that I knew didn't include everything. She was gone and she wasn't ever coming back.
"I want Mummy, Alex," I say, responding to his question.
"I'm sorry babygirl, I can't make that happen but what I can do is kiss you and give you another hug." I nod and he pulls me in for a hug again. I love when he hugs me. I love when he does anything with me; hug, kiss, cuddle, hold hands. I love him and he's willing to go every step of this journey with me. For me, that just screams 'love-of-my-life'.

Alex and I release our hug and he lightly kisses me on my lips. Then he goes to the floor and packs away the folder. He puts it into the box and then lifts it back onto its' place on the shelf. He holds out his hand to me and I slip mine inside. He wraps his fingers around my hand and I instantly smile. I love when we do this. Together we head back to the door. I press my palm to it and clicks open. We swim through and I close the door behind us. As the door locks in place the lights flick off. We must've only been in there for about half an hour however, my wake up in the early hours of the morning has put my sleep pattern out, and I'm already beginning to feel tired again. Alex and I swim back to my house, trying to avoid the cold sea currents. I invite him into my room to sleep in there with me and he agrees.

I lie on the bed and he lies next to me.
"Roll over," he says, and I roll over onto my side. Then he rolls over too and presses his body against mine. He loops one arm over me, around my waist.
"I love you Alex," I whisper though I don't hear his reply as I fall into some much needed sleep...
2021, Records Room, Oceanum Villa
"Fred didn't die, Piper. He's still here. Sandy's gone forever. The girls don't remember her. But I do, right down to the first time we met, when she was surfing and I was breaking the rules of my homeland to go and watch her," said Walter.
"Starley is so much like the both of you," Piper commented and Walter nodded in agreement.
"She's curious and rebellious just like Sandy, and she can be authoritative if needed and soft at the right moments just like you."
They sat in silence again.
"You love her, don't you?" Piper asked.
"Who? Starley? Of course."
"No, Sandy."
"Oh, yes. I love her," he confirmed.
"What traits do I have that Sandy had?" Piper asked. This was an odd question and Walter looked at her and frowned, confused but she only shrugged in response.
"All three of you are smart, caring, a little bit rebellious, extremely stubborn and very follow-your-heart," he answered.
"Three of us?"
"Sandy, Starley and you."
Piper nodded.
"So I am essentially Sandy?"
"No, Piper, that's not what I said. You just have very similar character traits to her," Walter clarified. Again, Piper nodded. Then she leant forward and extended her hands to place them on the side of Walters' face. She leant into him pulling him closer and pressed her lips against his and began making out with him; deep and open mouthed.

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