33: Starley

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Peter throws a transparent wall up between Alex and I. It runs the length of the room and keeps Peter and I on one side and everyone else on the other. Alex slams his fists against the wall, trying to get to me. Peter pulls me in to kiss him. I'm trying to get away from him. One hand is around my waist and the other is on my neck, covering the hickey Alex had given me. He's making out with me now, like how Alex does it, only Peter's is more forced and there's no love and affection hidden under the kisses like there was in Alex's. Peter moves away from my lips and starts kissing me on my neck.
"Get away from me," I scream, but he ignores me. He sucks slightly on my neck and I hate it but he's not listening to me. At all. Not one bit. "Stop it! Peter! Get away from me!"
When he breaks away from my neck, I can feel the skin tingling just like it was yesterday and I know that he's just given me a hickey. That was Alex's thing, Alex's job. Peter didn't have my permission for any of this, but he didn't care and continued to do whatever he wanted. Peter moves his kisses from my neck to across my jawline and on my collarbone. His hands move to my chest for the second time today when his kisses move off my neck.
"Get away from me!" I scream again.
"No, slut, you answer to me," he says striking me across the face again, making my already hurting face hurt even more.
"Don't talk to me like that," I say, crying.
"I can do whatever I want to, baby."
I start crying harder, tears rolling down my cheeks, my whole body shaking with sobs. Peter forces me to lie down on the floor of the Scout School. Then he mounts me, or does the best he can with a tail and fin. Peter moans and it only makes me want to cry more.
"You turn me on so much babygirl," he says.
"F**k off!" I scream, trying to hit him with my hands, but he pins them down. "Get off of me!"
Peter leans in to make out with me again. He crashes his lips against mine, our breaths mingle together and then he opens his mouth. He starts kissing me deeper, really pushing his head closer to me. He breaks away slightly, only to hit me across the face again.
"Kiss me back," he demands.
He hits me again. "Stop being so loyal to him. Kiss me, b***h!"
"F**k off! Leave me alone!" I scream. Threateningly he hold his hand up like he's going to hit me again and I flinch waiting for the impact. It doesn't come. I open my eyes but his hand is still waiting.
"Kiss me and I won't hit you," he says lowering his hand out of the air. I shake my head.
"Never," I say. My face was tear stained and more kept coming. "Alex is better than you at this anyway," I mumble, unable to keep my thoughts away from ones of Alex. Unfortunately for me, Peter hears me and slaps me across the face once again.
"I didn't ask for you opinion on him." Another slap across my face which is hurting so bad. "I only asked you to kiss me, you b***h," he yells back. I'm shaking so much and his dark magic is holding my hands down on the floor like a Scout has asked me to put my hands in the air. My entire body is shaking.
"I'm not kissing you, Peter; get away from me!" I scream which apparently deserves me another slap across my face. I'm not sure how, but he produces a knife out of thin air and holds it above me.
"I said, kiss me back."
My breathing is very uneven but I try to keep the breaths small. The smaller the breath the less my stomach and chest rises and falls with it, which would take me closer to the knife. I haven't replied to him yet, and he seems to take my silence as a 'no' and brings the cold metal of the blade against my neck. As I swallow, I feel the blade press slightly harder.
"Kiss me," he demands.
I feel the sound barrier of the wall break, the pressure from the air around us releasing.
"Get off me! Argh! Peter! Get away from me!" I scream, my throat becoming dry from all the screaming that's provided no help anyways. Weedy calls out, "c'mon, Peter." Reluctantly Peter gets off of me, but not before he cuts a small slit in the side of my neck with the blade of the knife. I can't even hear what's being said, if anything is being said.
"Alex..." I whimper. "Alex... help me..."
Instantly, he rushes to my side, and I continue to cry more and more.

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