5: Alexander

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Starley is spending another day in her office in Government house today and once again I have to find a way to entertain myself. I think it's great that she got the job, and I'm so proud of her that she was offered the opportunity, but I just wish Binah and the rest of the Government wouldn't steal my girl away from me every second of every day.

I wake up in the guest bedroom of Starley's house on a surprisingly comfy seaweed bed and although it's very different to my bed at home, I love it and it reminds me of Starley. I sit up and rub my eyes slightly. I still find it amazing that I'm living underwater. Before I met Starley this wasn't even a possibility but now I'm talking about living here permanently with her. The 'with her' bit is a definite, we're still to work out whether we'll live here or in Australia.  And what would happen if our kids were merpeople? Would we have a situation like my family? What if our kids were human like me? It was a lot to consider and we weren't ready for kids yet anyway. Well, at least I wasn't. Starley would be a great mother; she's kind, loyal and patient. But I had way too much of a temper to be a dad at this point in time. Definitely sometime in the future though, Starley and I would be parents for our kids.

I pull myself out of my thoughts and get out of bed. My bleached blonde hair doesn't need proper brushing, instead I just run my fingers through it and let it fall naturally wherever it wants. I go out to the Star-Bub family's kitchen and I see a plate with some sort of pancake on it. The note next to it reads 'I'll be back later baby. Sorry that I can't be with you again today. Don't worry, I get tomorrow off. I love you xx'. Underneath the note which has been carefully written in Starley's beautiful cursive script is the recipe for the meal she's left me. It is indeed a pancake but instead of the sweet ones I made Starley on her last day in Australia, it's savoury and one of the ingredients is seaweed. Surprisingly, I don't dislike it and finish all the food Starley left on the plate for me to eat.

I'm sort-of running out of things that I can do that will occupy my whole day until Starley gets home. I've been to the Finema and watched a merfolk movie which was pretty cool and quite different to any human one I've seen; I've explored the shopping aisle with the Tailor and the Fin-o-vations stores along with many others; I've been to the Memory Well next to Government House under Starley's recommendation, and it was pretty cool; and I spent a day wandering around the Records Room and reading random files I found interesting (surprisingly the doors let me in, Hailey must've put my fingerprints as having access to that room). I will admit that the Records Room was actually a lot more fun than I first thought it would be.

I just decide to go out to the city and wander though the shopping district again. There weren't many merfolk out in the streets today, which was odd.
"Hi Alex," someone calls out and I turn to them and wave. In the time that I'd been here, people had learnt who I was and especially as my girlfriend was on the Government, it bought myself some fans around the city. I didn't know who most of them were but they all knew who I was: The Stonal Child, Starley Star-Bub's Boyfriend or just simply Alex. I had gotten used to being popular when I lived at Broadbeach but now that I'm living underneath the water, I'm popular here too.

I swim through the aisle of shops but something at the gates of the city catches my eye. They're a fair distance away and I try to focus my eyes on them. They're looking straight at me, bright green eyes shining like jewels. Their almost-white, waist long hair is floating around them. Their hands are in-front of their chest, clasping around something. They swim forward, slowly but surely, never letting the emerald-like eyes leave my body. It's Weedy. I know it is, but I'm trying to work out what she's holding. It's large; she has to use both her hands to hold it. She's now at the end of the Shopping Aisle but I still can't see what she's holding. Then she gets very close to me. We're probably about ten meters apart now, but she's not a threat to me; I don't find her dangerous. The merfolk around me have stopped now, we're all watching the visitor though many of them don't know who she is. Some do and I can hear their faint whispering. Suddenly, a loud crack echoes throughout the district. It sounded like thunder. Coming from the crack, a black jet of magic shoots from Weedy's hand which she's just taken away from the thing for that second. I take advantage of it to look at what she's holding. It's a shell. A large shell that she's protecting... from me. I dive away from her and head as fast as I can to Government House ignoring the calls of the merfolk telling me to stay and protect them. Scenery is flying past me. I burst through the doors of Government House and I'm greeted by a very startled, lavender haired Binah, sitting at the reception desk. I feel her Telepathic abilities slip through my mind like sand and she answers my racing question almost immediately, "she's gone to the Scout School." With a nod of thanks I take off again racing against time to get to the Scout School. When I get there, I'm panting so bad, but I still knock on the door. Starley and eight other Government members turn around to look at me. Starley swims forward and puts her hand on the door. Purple energy runs through it and it clicks open.
"Weedy...Sea Witch... twin...she's here... in the city... and she has the shell," I breathe. Starley's eyes flick to one of the Government members. I feel a slight pang of jealously; she should've looked at me, but I don't let it bother me too much, they're her workmates. And besides the merfolk are in danger. She holds out her right hand and magically a quiver of arrows, a bow and a knife fly to her. The bow lands in her hand and the other two objects float in front of her in the water. She looks at one of the members who has striking aqua hair, which stands out from the rest, and says, "that's sick." She puts the quiver belt around her waist and slides the knife into one of the notches on the belt. She looks at me, her blue eyes flickering with fear and determination all at once.
"Lead the way."

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