25: Starley

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I wake up feeling a lot more energised than I was before I went to sleep. I feel the presence of someone else in the bed with me.
Must be Alex, I think, he must've decided to take a nap as well.
Starley, I can talk to him now too.
I hear a voice in my head. It's deep, authoritative and commanding. When silence takes over the room the voice talks again.
I'm sending him visions just like I sent you visions.
Fate? I ask, slightly confused.
Okay, yes. This was totally normal, I was just casually talking to Fate. How does one even talk to Fate? Was Fate an actual person or just a body-less voice that fed me visions and talked to me? For some reason I seemed to be leaning towards the body-less voice option.

I lie in the bed with Alex for a bit, listening to his breathing and feeling his body rise and fall with each breath. I look at the environment of the part of the room I'm facing; the scenery has stayed the same in the past nearly seventeen years but unlike the room I've changed so much. I've changed to become a lot like everyone describes Mummy.

I hear Alex as he wakes up making a grunting noise.
"You're already awake," he says. I nod.
"How'd you know?" I ask.
"Your energy, it's awake; your energy would be asleep if you were still asleep."
I begin to get up out of the bed.
"Where you going?"
I turn to look at him. Aren't we getting up?
"Can we please cuddle?" he asks and I nod eagerly. He repositions himself against the pillow and opens his arms for me. Our cuddling positions had really been limited by being a merfolk but we'd learnt to live with it. I sit beside him, though slightly lower. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. I shuffle down so my head is on his bare chest. He runs his hand through my hair and uses his index finger to run down my nose and tap the end of it. I screw my face up as I laugh.
"I saw some visions," he says suddenly.
"About?" I prompt.
"You and I. Our futures."
"Please describe them, Alex," I say, turning my head to look back at him.  He instantly blushes. "What? What happened? You're blushing."
He playfully pushes my head away from looking at him. I love when he blushes but he gets so insecure about it. I love guys who blush and I just added it to the list of stuff I love Alex doing.
"The first one, we were getting married, the second one, we had a baby. Third one, we were umm... you know... uhh... oh f**k it. It's going to happen at some point. Third one we'd finished having sex. Fourth one I was asking myself whether I was deserving enough of taking your virginity. Fifth one you were really scared about having sex with me and were worried you were going to get hurt. You know I wouldn't hurt you on purpose?"
I nod. Yes, I did know that. He told me over and over again because he knew I was worried about it. Peter, Xavier and Brayden had all hurt me whether some of it was physical or emotional trauma they all hurt me and I'd placed my trust in Alex that he wouldn't do the same thing.
"That's going to happen?" I ask, turning to look at him again.
He nods. "Yeah. It was so close to happening in the Scout School after your initiation, you know that don't you?"
"Yeah, and to be honest, I'm sort of excited for it. I'm going to get to see vulnerable, moaning in ecstasy Alex again. I love him just like I love regular Alex," I say, but he looks surprised. "What? You didn't think I could be h-h-h-hor-, f**k. What's the word? Corneum."
"No, I didn't think my sweet, innocent little Starley was capable of feeling that, especially not voicing when she felt it. Also, baby, the word you're looking for is horny."
"Thank goodness you're here, Alex. Yes, horny. Also, in the vision, when we had finished having sex, was that our first time?"
"I don't know, I'm sorry. I didn't see. We were human though, not merfolk," he responds.
"Oh, that's weird. I wonder when that will be. Was it in colour? The vision?" I ask.
"Yeah, full colour," he says.
"Alright then, so it's definitely going to happen."
I settle back down against his chest.
"Your hair looks cute like that by the way," I say to him.
"No it doesn't. I just woke up and it's all over the place."
"It's really cute. I love it. You should wear it like that more often."
"No!" he exclaims. "It makes me kind of look like the guy from Dumb and Dumber; I look horrible."
I playfully slap his arm but I also look at him confused.
"Right," he says, "you haven't seen the movie. My point is that I don't look good."
"Okay, whatever. Agree to disagree I guess," I say.
He leans down and kisses me on my neck and playfully leaves little love bites and sucks a little bit on my neck. In the mirror on the dressing table, I watch him do it and as he breaks away I can see a little red mark on my neck about the size of a human twenty-cent piece. Instinctively, I put my hand up to my neck to inspect it in the mirror. We'd been together for about six months but this was the first hickey he'd given me. I actually liked it. Daddy was probably going to have a fit when he saw it, but his opinion didn't matter anyway. Alex and I are happy and I love the hickey he'd just planted on my neck.
"That's just a mark to show everyone I'm yours," he says, starting to kiss me on the other side of my neck.
"I love the mark, but if you're doing it just because you're worried about Lilliana, I don't want the mark," I say, seeing through his acting skills.
"Okay, yes baby. You win that one. I'm not worried about Lilliana, just want everyone to know who my girl is."

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