10: Alexander

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I'm standing in Starley's bedroom and I have absolutely no idea what to take from here and deliver to her hospital room. Admittedly, there is quite a lot of colour in here, but half of this room belongs to Bubbles and I'm not too sure what I should be taking, just in case it doesn't belong to Starley. I go over to her dressing table, which I know is definitely her's, along with anything on it. I pick up her gold and turquoise bangle from her initiation and try and slip it onto my wrist for easy carrying but Starley's wrist is a lot smaller than mine and the bangle doesn't fit. Instead, I just hold it. I also pick up the photograph from Lucas and Cameron that she still hasn't hung in her office yet, even though that's where it was most likely meant to go. I take the small hard-cover book off the table and hold that as well; that would give her something to do if I'm not there. I look around the rest of the room. I can't really find anything else worthy to take to her, so I just take these these three items to Starley's room.

She's very grateful when I show her what I bought and she moves over in the bed to pat the spot she cleared next to her. I swim forward and sit in my designated spot and lean against the headboard, like she is. Then she sits up and holds out her hand expectantly. I look at her confused. Then she taps my arm and says, "give me that arm." I hold it out to her and she wraps it around her waist. Then she shuffles down a bit and leans back on me, putting her head on my shoulder. Her super curly hair is sort of in my face, but I don't mind it, it smells like coconuts. She slips her hand in mine and I rub my finger across it; she loves it when I do that. She picks up the hardcover book that Binah had given her and she rests it on her tail which is bending at her 'knees'. She opens it. The first few pages are empty, which I think is odd. Then some of Starley's curly handwriting starts to appear on the pages. It's not a book, it's a diary.
"I wanted you to read this," she says. "It's super cringe though."
"I don't care," I say, "I want to read it." I look at the book resting on Starley's would-be legs and read the cursive script she's written on the pages.
Today, I understood one of Alex's connections to his human world. It was a really mature concept but I still understood it!
That must've been the day we were in the Scout School, after her initiation.
Today, I had a day off from the Government and Alex and I went together to the Finema. Throughout the movie, he reached over and put his hand inside mine, rubbing his thumb across it. I love that, it just gives me instant butterflies.
Then she turns the page, it's blank.
"Is that all you've written?" I ask and she shakes her head.
"It's written telepathically. I didn't want Bubbles or Daddy to read this page," she explains and my mind instantly assumes the worst. In her head, she can see the words she's written and telepathically she sends them to me.
When we went to the Scout School after my initiation, Alex made me feel so many emotions and feelings. When he held me close to him and really restricted my breathing, lust took over my whole entire body. In that moment he was so hot. And always is. F*ck, I loved that so much I wish he'd do it more often.
She looks up at me and smiles and I smile back at her.
"I love you so much Alex," she says.
"I love you too, Princess." She leans her arm back and puts her hand on the back of my head and pushes me in closer to her; she kisses me and I kiss her back.

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