21: Alexander

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Starley, Lilliana, Piper and Walter all leave the room, their symbols on the back of their right hand glowing (and according to Starley, it burns). Starley pauses briefly to kiss me and tell me she'll be back and I telepathically communicate with her to tell her I love her. I can feel her telepathic energy at the forefront of my mind now, having communicated with her a few times. It's like she's given me her phone number and I've saved her contact; she's there all the time now if I need her. Once they leave, my room is left in silence. I can understand now why Starley got so upset and angry in the time she was here. She was right, everything in here is too white and boring and it's already starting to hurt my eyes; the silence is odd for me to be around having gotten used to being in a loud environment all the time.

My head doesn't hurt that much anymore, it's only tingly as I feel the neuron pathways travel over and over again as Fate engraves the new talent and most likely new talents into my brain for easier use. Already, I'm getting bored lying in the bed and so I throw the blankets off and get up out of the bed. As I get up, I feel the blood rush out of my head and my vision starts swimming. I reach out and touch the bedside table to steady myself. As I touch the table with my left hand, I see my vision change slightly towards the left side of my eye. I look towards the table and it's perfectly clear; the corners are crisp, sharp and pointy. The water and rest of the room around the table is almost holographic and shiny. I stand up, removing my hand from the table and it too slinks back into the holographic environment of the room. I turn around, confused. The whole room looks shiny. I look down at my own body and it looks normal. I can almost see the distinct line where my normal-looking body meets where room turns shiny. So it's only me that's normal? Why is everything holographic? Am I even awake? I'm so confused. Then suddenly, I feel a spark ignite in my brain and everything turns back to normal. Now I'm even more confused. I try and focus making everything shiny again and it happens with ease. I blink and lose connection and it goes to normal. I make a mental note to ask Starley about it, see if she knows what it is.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door and call out 'come in'. Starley opens the door and swims inside before closing the door behind her again. She looks straight to the bed but of course, there's no one there.
"Over here," I call and her eyes flick to look at me. "It was getting boring in the bed and I figured I was fine to get up."
She shrugs and laughs, swimming over to me. She throws her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around my waist pulling her close to my body.
"I'm so glad you're okay," she says, against my neck and in response I pull her closer to my body.
"I am too, baby. Something weird happened though," I say.
"What happened?" she asks, concerned. We break out of the hug though not completely. Her arms are still around my neck and my hands are on her waist.
"I was seeing like, all our worst moments. When you got kidnapped, when Weedy attacked you and then I saw myself asleep and you beside me."
"I don't know what that is. Normally I'd say ask Piper about it, but I really want to avoid any unnecessary communication with her."
"Another break in to the Records Room?" I ask and she smiles and nods.
"Whatever it takes," she says. "We're all in."
"We're all in," I repeat after her and we hug again, my arms and hands pulling her closer to my body.

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