29: Starley

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One, two.
I shoot arrows from my Defence Bow into the target on each count.
One, two.
Having had a few practices with it, I throw my bow down on the floor and I take out my dagger. I go to one of the posts holding the roof up and on each count I swing the knife against the wood. There's a few of the posts around the room, and I don't think I'll fully take it down. Besides, the Scouts practiced on the poles all the time.
One, two. One, two.
I'm doing the best I can do as far as training goes this early in the morning.
One, two.
I'm better with the knife than the bow and arrow, but the bow and arrow will probably be better in a fight.
One, two.
The wooden post, still not rotted from being underwater for so long, is now dinted and chipped. I lower my knife and run my fingers over the now textured wood.
"Sorry," I whisper, my fingers still tracing over the post. Sorry? I just apologised to a wooden pole. It doesn't have feelings. I shake my head and then continue to practice hitting the pole.
One, two.
This time I try three consecutive hits over different sides of the pole.
One, two, three.
The Scout School is silent apart from my knife hitting the wood and my occasional cries of 'yes!' or 'take that'.
One, two, three.
Having done two of the three consecutive hits, I go back to only doing two.
One, two.

"Your technique's quite good there," someone says from the direction of the doorway. I instantly assume it's Alex and I smile at the pole, even though he can't see me. He woke up and then came straight to me. I turn around my arm holding the knife falls down to my side. I swim slightly back and my smile drops. Standing in the doorway is not Alex. I know instantly who it is and my stomach flutters with nerves and messages telling me to get away from the situation, but he's in the path of only exit. The left hand side of my stomach pulses with extreme anxiety, and I cradle my arm around my middle so my hand is on that part of my stomach. Memories and flashbacks fly through my brain at an extreme rate of knots and it's making me slightly dizzy.
"He's been teaching you bad things, Sweetie."
"Well, b***h, I wasn't talking to you was I?"
"A few minutes won't hurt her anyways..."
"You look like an absolute angel, but I hope that your heart belongs to the devil."
The visitor is calmly standing in the doorway, arms crossed across his chest, blue eyes so similar to mine waiting for me to work it out. Little did he know I had worked it out from the second I'd seen him, but I was too wrapped up in traumatic memories to respond.
"Hi there, Peter," I say, giving him a small smile. He nods to me in an impressed way, like he didn't think I'd work out who he was. "I don't think Alex will be too happy to find out you're here alone with me."
"No, I don't suppose he will be," he responds, smiling, showing his straight, perfectly white teeth. Just like when I'd seen him in Australia, his curly brown hair was not sitting flat and didn't look like it would ever. His legs have morphed into a tail, orange in colour. Just like Alex, his tail ends at his hips, but unlike Alex his top half doesn't look even as half as attractive. He starts to swim closer to me and I hold out the dagger to defend myself.
"Don't touch me," I say, firmly and he stops moving about three metres away from me, holding his hands up to show he is defenceless. I check Alex's energy and he's still asleep. I decide to call for him anyway. My bones are rattling inside my body and I need him to know where I am and with who.
Alex, baby, sorry to wake you but Peter's here. I don't know how but he's here and in the Scout School with me.
Alex's reply is immediate, regardless of being asleep not even seconds before. That absolute son of a b***h. I'm coming, baby.
Peter tries to get even closer to me and I hold out the knife again.
"I said, don't touch me. Perhaps you misunderstood," I say, thrusting the knife in his direction as a clear sign to stay away.
"No, I understood perfectly, sweetie, but it's just so hard to keep myself away from such a prize, such as yourself," he says, his eyes running up and down my body. Suddenly, he comes at me and pins my hands above my head and throws me into the wall behind me. My knife falls to the floor. S**t! My only weapon now useless and under me. My hands are useless too, now pinned against the wall underneath Peter's always cold hands, just like Alex's. Now, if Alex had done this to me I would've absolutely loved it and lost all control of my body, hoping that his vision from the other day would've come true. But, Alex hadn't done it, Peter, his ex best friend had and now I felt defenceless and useless; like I was being used for something. He pushes his body up against me and I hopelessly try to get away from him. He uses only one hand to hold me in place and uses his second hand to run down my body. He holds my face for a second before his hand continues travelling down my neck, which he squeezes, lightly. Next, his hand stays a little longer than I would've liked on one of my boobs.
"Get away from me," I scream, but he ignores me, continuing to run his hand down my body without my permission. He traces my hourglass body shape with his hand, stopping at my hips and then surprising me and going back up my body, back to my chest, where he grabs one of my boobs again.
"Get away from me," I scream again and his hand strikes me across the face, the noise of the slap echoing in the still empty room. His hand goes back to abusing my chest. I try to bring my tail underneath me and force him away from me, but his body is too close to mine. Using some sort of magic he is able to pin me against the wall and use his both of his hands to do what he wanted. In the middle of grabbing my breasts and abusing them in anyway he wanted he says, "do you like that slut?"
At the same time I scream, "you can't talk to me like that," in between tears, someone else screams, "you can't talk to her like that." Alex swoops in and grabs the dagger from the floor, swimming between Peter and I, forcing him and his hands away from me. I use this time to try and breathe but I'm crying and traumatised all at the same time and it's hard to get my mind around what just happened, instead I stay behind Alex, pinned against a wall, defenceless and crying.

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