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2005, Oceanum Villa
The next few seconds all happened too quickly.
One - the leader thrusts the trident further forward towards Sandy. Sandy pathetically tried to stop the stabbing.
Two - the tridents' three prongs sink into Sandy's stomach. The dark magic sitting on the end is now injected into Sandy's merfolk blood.
Three - the dark magic begins to spread through all of Sandy's veins, darkening them, crackling.
I love you so much, Walter, she said, telepathically, knowing they would be the last words she ever said.
She burnt out, veins black, crackling.
Next, Walter rushed from someplace in the city, hopelessly attempting to cradle his wife and heal her even though the chance had already passed. Tears came uncontrollably from his eyes, falling and falling.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," he said over and over again in between sobs. "I'm so sorry, I should've come faster."
The two Kiwi Civitatem citizens still stood in-front of the husband and wife. He looked up at them, tears blurring his vision. Even blurry he thought they were ugly. Even blurry he hated them.
"You'll pay for this," he cried.
Whitney arrived, swimming to the scene. Instantly, she ignored the foreign scouts and swam straight to Walter. She tried to put her arm around his shoulders but angrily he shoved it off. He picked Sandy up and carried her limp body all the way to Government House, leaving young Whitney to deal with the other people.

Her arms were limp and dangling in all directions as he swam. He burst through the doors of Government House and Binah quickly got up from her place at the reception desk and hurried along to the hospital section of the building with tear-stained-faced Walter.
"Jasmine," Binah called, "Jasmine we need you!"
She presented herself instantly in-front of them.
"Oh, Walter," she said, her eyes tracing over the limp, burnt out body of Sandy Star-Bub. "Walter... I... we... there's nothing we can do. She's already burnt out. She's gone." Jasmine hated to be the one to tell him this, but someone had to and it was just unfortunate it had to be her. Walter pulled Sandy's body close to his like a child might've done with their toys when they wanted to play more.
"I'm sorry, Walter, she's gone," Jasmine repeated.
"I... and... I didn't even get to say goodbye," he choked. The other government members looked between each other, none of them sure of what to do.
"Do you want to come lie her down?" Jasmine asked and slowly he nodded and began following her into one of the rooms, Sandy's burnt, limp body still cradled in his arms. Once in the room, Walter gently placed her body on the bed and watched her head flip to one side due to the lack of muscles and bone in her neck and back that would be holding it up.

Piper was the next member to come into the room and instantly went over to Walter, putting her arm around his shoulders whispering in his ear that everything would be okay.
But no. Everything was not okay. Sandy was gone. Forever. And Walter hadn't tried hard enough to get to her in time.
I didn't try hard enough, he thought. I should've gone to her quicker, when I first heard from her. I could've saved her.
Piper being a natural telepath had seen the thought he'd been thinking.
"That's not true," she whispered. "No one could've saved her, they were too powerful."
"No," he choked halfway through crying. "I could've. I should've. Given another chance I would've. But I didn't and now she's gone." Suddenly, he gasped.
"What about the girls?" he asked, sobbing. He crashed his face into his hands and let Piper rub his back and tell him it would be okay. Her words were going in one ear and out the other; certainly weren't being processed in his brain like they needed to be. Tears streamed down his face. Slowly, all government members had made it to the hospital room, but Walter was the only one crying. All of them were upset but Walter was the only one fully crying.
"What are we going to do about her position?" one asked. Jasmine shot them a look that said really? Right now? but it had already been said, and her warning was now hopeless. Walter's head snapped up from his hands and he glared at the one who's spoken.
"How dare you!" he exclaimed. "Can't we mourn her first?" Then he went back to crying, having used his only sense of life to get mad at the person who had suggested doing anything different than crying for her.

Her body didn't look like hers. It was black, crackly and burnt. Her hands had mostly disintegrated, only a few fingers remained. Walter could barely look at her. Looking at her just brought him too much pain and he was already in enough pain as it was.
I'm sorry, he said telepathically, though not to anyone in particular. I should've come quicker.

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